
6 July 2021 Emily Johns

Thames & Hudson, 2020; 320pp; £35 (Lincoln et al) and Jonathan Cape, 2020; 272pp; £20 (Sacco)

The Arctic is our touchstone. We have been looking to it for decades for the physical signs of climate change: the retreat of the sea ice, the starving polar bears, the melting permafrost. We are looking to the North for what climate catastrophe looks like.

The British Museum curators have collaborated with Arctic peoples to create an exhibition (Arctic: culture and climate) and a series of events that could give us temperate dwellers an understanding of their culture and its changes over 30,000 years. And most particularly…

6 July 2021 Virginia Moffatt

The New Press, 2020; 298pp; £19.99

‘Does it not appear that the cause of all wars was and is: That the whites have always been the aggressors, and the wars, cruelties and bloodshed is a job of their own making and not the Indians?’ This statement by activist William Apess in 1836 could describe the US military at any time since its inception during the War of Independence, and is often at the heart of the dissent that Chris Lombardi documents in this book.

Beginning with the battlefield conversion of Lutheran Jacob Ritter during the War of Independence and ending with…

6 July 2021 Esme Needham

Revela Press, 2020; 256pp; £19.99

Was Cleopatra really a ‘girlboss’?

In the last few years, countless anthologies of great women from history have been published. Many of them, unfortunately, feature already well-known figures: I have three such books which have a section on Cleopatra, despite the fact that her fame probably doesn’t need much boosting.

Nina Ansary’s new contribution to the genre, however, features a very different Cleopatra: Cleopatra Metrodora, an ancient Greek woman who is thought to have been the first female medical scholar. Her treatise …

6 July 2021 Andrew Bolton

London: Bloomsbury, 2020; 463pp; £8.99

The Israel-Palestine conflict reminds me of tribal Northern Ireland, segregation in the southern US states, and apartheid in South Africa. These comparisons also make me hopeful – to some degree justice has come in all these places.

Israel is the land of Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Micah and Jesus. It is the Holy Land for Jews, Christians and Muslims with holy potential for peace, shalomsalaam. It is also the place where my wife, Jewell, and I were engaged, so Israel/Palestine is more than just another conflict and…

4 July 2021 Andrew Bolton

Pax Christi International, 2020; 324pp; £20.50

Early on in WWII my dad, already in uniform, went to the Catholic army chaplain, troubled about being a soldier. Was it right for him to participate in the war?

He was single, still living at home when war came. The Catholic chaplain assured my dad that he was fighting in a just war. For a while Dad was okay, but then he asked himself this question: ‘Are German Catholic army chaplains telling German Catholic soldiers that this was an unjust war and that they should not fight?’ Bitterly he knew they were not. At this point, betrayed,…

4 July 2021 Henrietta Cullinan

PM Press, 2020; 288pp; £17.99

This book offers an unusual perspective on the Catholic Left, focusing on groups that formed to protest against the US draft during the Vietnam War. 

Famous examples such as the Baltimore Four and the Catonsville Nine, who destroyed thousands of draft cards, inspired dozens more, including Ted Glick’s own group, ‘The East Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives’. In this highly thoughtful and self-critical account, Glick tells the story of how his participation in a series of actions, and the resulting jail sentence, drew him into a lifetime…

4 July 2021 Erica Smith

Unbound, 2019; 312pp; £10.99

A couple of years ago, I picked up a flyer promoting this (then forthcoming) book from Unbound. During lockdown, I finally tracked down a copy. You may wonder whether a book about wrestling deserves space in Peace News. I hope I will persuade you that it does.

The author was an awkward schoolgirl with no more than a passing interest in wrestling, who discovered the underground punk movement, Riot Grrrl and feminism. 

Wrestling seems an unlikely saviour, but at 21, as an unfit and unsure borderline alcoholic, she…

4 July 2021 Gabriel Carlyle

Orbit 2020; 576pp; £20

When it published it’s landmark 2018 report on Global Warming of 1.5°C; the UN’s climate change body, the IPCC, noted that limiting global warming to 1.5°C – the stretch goal of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement - ‘would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society’.

In his latest utopian novel – part of his longtime project to try and populate the …

4 July 2021 Milan Rai

The New Press, 2019; 240pp; £22.50

Ian Haney López starts this fascinating and important book by describing his struggle to persuade (older, overwhelmingly white) trade union leaders and racial justice activists (mostly young women of colour) – all in the US – of the need for a cross-racial class fight for economic and racial justice. 

Trade union leaders are easier to persuade. Right-wing politicians have used racist appeals to get white people to elect governments that have attacked working-class people. It’s relatively straightforward to see how racism has…

4 July 2021 Ian Sinclair

Hachette USA, 2020; 288pp; £28  

Written in the wake of the 2014 protests in Ferguson, Missouri, Vicky Osterweil’s central argument is that looting and rioting are positive actions, which ‘in most instances… transform and build a nascent moment into a movement’. 

Unserious and incurious, In Defense of Looting won’t change the minds of seasoned peace activists though, worryingly, it might influence those who are in the process of forming their views on protest and political change.

Osterweil maintains that looting makes ‘day-to-day life easier by…

4 July 2021 Andrew Bolton

Francis Boutle, 2020; 560pp; £30

The First World War was the first mechanised, industrialised, chemicalised war and the founding catastrophe of the 20th century. It led to the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, the rise of Hitler and the Second World War, the Cold War, and much more. 

Conscientious objectors (COs) have been called the shock troops of dissent in the First World War, and they were on the right side of history. 

Cyril Pearce’s magnificent new book about the men who refused to fight on grounds of conscience is surely now the definitive historical work…

11 December 2020 Gabriel Carlyle

Orbit 2020; 576pp; £20 

When it published it’s landmark 2018 report on ‘Global Warming of 1.5°C’ the UN’s climate change body, the IPCC, noted that limiting global warming to 1.5°C – the stretch goal of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement - ‘would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society’.

In his latest utopian novel – part of his longtime project to try and populate the …

11 December 2020 Callum Alexander Scott

Pluto Press, 2020; 224pp; £19.99

Examining over 20 years of UK press coverage of Russia since Vladimir Putin came to power in 1999, Russia and the Media shows how Russophobia has remained a key feature of the UK media since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Beginning with a useful review of the role the Western media played in shaping our understanding of the Soviet Union in the 20th century, McLaughlin first outlines the construction of an ‘enemy image’. This is the ‘simplistic binary opposition of good and evil’ that gave birth to such terms as ‘the Bolshevik…

11 December 2020 Erica Smith

Bedazzled Ink Publishing Company, 2020; 228 pp; £12.99

I’ve reviewed two other Greenham-related memoirs for PN: Juley Howard’s Righteous Anger (PN 2616 – 2617) and Charlie Kiss’s A New Man (PN 2636 – 2637). Both of those authors literally ‘grew up’ at Greenham Common – arriving there aged 16, soon after the camp formed in September 1981.

By contrast, Stephanie Davies grew up in an idyllic Hampshire village, and was in her early twenties before she decided to end a conventional heterosexual life and join the Peace Camp.

Unlike Righteous Anger…

11 December 2020 Henrietta Cullinan

Simon and Schuster, 2020; 436pp; $30

Pope Francis, in his 2015 address to the US congress, listed Dorothy Day alongside Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Day founded the Catholic Worker in 1930s New York with a weekly newspaper and a shelter for destitute men and women. The movement continues to this day as a collection of over 200 communities, mostly in the US, who live a simple lifestyle in community, serve the poor, and resist war and social injustice. As someone deeply involved in the Catholic Worker movement myself, I have so far relied on Day’s autobiographical…