Blog posts

    01 Nov 2018

    Gabriel Carlyle

    If Extinction Rebellion plans to gradually build capacity for its big demands by winning smaller-scale victories then why has it launched itself with (apparently) no indication as to what these smaller-scale wins are going to be?

    Lots of people seem to be very excited about Extinction Rebellion (XR)’s ‘declaration of rebellion’ and its plans to ‘bring…

    26 Oct 2018

    Marc Hudson

    An important new book on anti-racism in the age of Trump and Brexit is coming soon.

    A new book, The Fire Now: Anti-Racist Scholarship in Times of Explicit Racial Violence, published by Zed Books is being launched on Saturday 10 November in London. Peace News contributor Marc Hudson conducted an email interview with one of the book's three editors, Remi Joseph-Salisbury, presidential fellow in…

    10 Sep 2018

    Michael Randle

    This is the longer version of an obituary of the prominent US radical pacifist.

    David McReynolds, who died in New York at the age of 88 on 17 August, played a leading role in the US and international peace movement. He was one of the main organisers of the anti-Vietnam war mobilisation in the US, which not only contributed to the ending of that war but had a profound impact on US politics and society. He was also prominent in the anti-nuclear campaign both in the US and internationally, and, though not a gay…

    16 Aug 2018

    Esme Needham

    Esme Needham reviews Tessa Boase's new book Mrs Pankhurst's Purple Feather

    Tessa Boase
    Mrs Pankhurst's Purple Feather: Fashion, Fury and Feminism – Women's Fight for Change
    Aurum Press, 2018; 336pp; £20

    If you asked someone who had never read or heard anything about the origins of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) who they thought might have founded it, the chances are they would guess something along the lines of ‘some well-meaning elderly man who was opposed to the shooting of rare birds for sport’, or…

    08 Aug 2018

    Radical Bakers

    A food-centred gathering at Crabapple Community in Shropshire.

    Radical Bakers 2018 wasn’t very radical, unless you count learning how to do things for yourself as radical… There were a range of practical skill based workshops. We had sourdough, baking, brewing, fermenting, infusions, ointments, cold remedies, textiles, woodworking, mushrooms, foraging, a team bake-off and loads more, full programme here.

    The event was well-attended and made a small profit in the first year. The people who…

    20 Jun 2018

    PN staff

    A Trident Ploughshares Press Release

    At 1.30pm on 20 June, while Britain's Westminster parliament was sitting inside, 60 activists from across the UK chained themselves to the railings outside the houses of parliament in central London. They are calling for the UK to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and disarm the Trident nuclear weapon system.

    This action echoes similar actions by women’s suffrage campaigners 100 years ago.

    The activists from the campaign group Trident Ploughshares…

    14 May 2018

    Anna Rääs

    At a London training day, women prepare themselves to lobby for nuclear disarmament.

    'We need to recognise that we can change the debate in this country and this treaty gives us the means to do so' said Rebecca Johnson on 7 April, at a WILPF UK training day on realising the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Dr Johnson is a member of the British branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF UK) and founding…

    04 May 2018


    The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) has been given permission to keep putting the British government's arms trade policies on trial – over the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

    On 4 May, the British court of appeal granted permission for the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) to appeal the legality of British arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

    CAAT took its legal case to the court of appeal on 12 April for a one day hearing in an attempt to overturn a high court judgment which allows the UK government to continue to export arms to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen.

    On 4 May, two court of appeal judges, lord justice Irwin and lord justice Flaux,…

    03 May 2018


    A Metropolitan Police disciplinary board has found against one of its own, a former undercover police officer with the notorious Special Demonstration Squad who deceived three women activists into relationships.

    Today, 3 May 2018, former undercover police officer Jim Boyling has been found guilty of gross misconduct for pursuing an unauthorised sexual relationship with 'Rosa' (a pseudonym) using his false identity, failing to inform his line management of the extent of his relationship, and…

    30 Apr 2018

    Ian Sinclair

    What is a sustainable diet? Is a vegan diet necessarily sustainable? And what's blocking moves to a more sustainable food system? Ian Sinclair investigates.

    Last year public health nutritionist Dr Pamela Mason and Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy at the Centre for Food Policy, City University of London, published their book Sustainable Diets: How Ecological Nutrition Can Transform Consumption and the Food System with Routledge.

    After reviewing the book for Peace News, Ian Sinclair asked…

    29 Apr 2018

    Benjamin Kaplan

    Celebrating CND's 60th anniversary with profiles of some of its offices around England, Scotland and Wales.

    CND Cymru

    CND Cymru is the center of the Welsh anti-nuclear movement. Before it was established in 1981, the Welsh branch of the CND was made up of a collection of smaller groups spread out across the region. This network of local associations shared a commitment to decreasing the significant role of nuclear power and nuclear proliferation in Wales through mass protest of local nuclear power plants and loud opposition to…

    29 Apr 2018

    PN staff

    A Yemen-related nonviolent direct action near Birmingham.

    On 9 April, the People's Weapons Inspectors visited a Roxel factory which builds propulsion systems for missiles. Their aim was to carry out a 'people's weapons inspection', to find out whether parts built at this factory (near Kidderminster in Worcestershire) might be used by the Saudi military in the war in Yemen.

    The inspectors believed that the factory was manufacturing components for Brimstone missiles that are due to be exported to Saudi…

    31 Mar 2018

    Cathy Breen

    Iraq is the forgotten war that continues to destroy lives, writes a long-time visitor to Iraq, US peace activist Cathy Breen.

    Naomi Shihab Nye is a poet and professor of Creative Writing at Texas State. Her father was Palestinian and a refugee journalist. In one of her poems after 9/11, entitled 'Blood,' she writes:

    I call my father, we talk around the news.
    It is too much for him,
    neither of his two languages can reach it.
    I drive into the country to find sheep, cows,
    to plead with the air:
    Who calls anyone civilised?
    Where can the crying heart…

    23 Nov 2017

    David Polden

    Three Palestinian communities face immediate expulsion from their homes in the Jordan Valley and near Jerusalem, and two more in the coming months, warns the Israeli human rights group, B'Tselem.

    On 22 November, B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, issued a press release detailing the continuing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories.

    The release…

    19 Nov 2017


    Benjamin reports on the Open Rights Group's digital rights conference, ORGCon 2017

    ORGCon, is a  high profile conference, featuring some of the worlds foremost speakers on digital freedom. This year's event on 4th November 2017, drew a mix of activists, academics and digital professionals to Friends Meeting House in London.

    The conference organiser, Open Rights Group is the UK's only grassroots organisation working to protect our right to privacy and free speech online. Throughout the day, a stream of very engaging…