Blog posts

    25 Jun 2024

    A new PN briefing for Hiroshima/Nagasaki stalls.

    On 6 August 1945, the US destroyed the Japanese city of Hiroshima with an atomic bomb. Three days later, Nagasaki was wiped out.

    The two nuclear bombs killed over 100,000 men, women and children.

    It was said that using the Bomb was the only way to avoid a long, drawn-out land invasion of Japan costing tens of thousands of lives.

    This was not true. In mid-1945, there were two other possible ways of ending the war quickly, without using the Bomb or invading Japan.

    25 May 2024

    Andrew Bolton

    Andrew Bolton reflects on John Heathershaw's recently published book

    John Heathershaw is a professor of international relations at the University of Exeter, UK. He is also an English Baptist, with Anabaptist leanings.  He brings theology and politics together in his book Security After Christendom.[1]  He builds on ‘social scientific and historical evidence’, but his arguments ‘are driven by theological reasoning.’[2] He is immersed in global politics, has worked on the issue of kleptocracy (rule by (…

    25 May 2024

    Our House

    Take action to support a Belorussian deserter

    PN has received this request for letters of support for a Belorussian deserter who did not want to become involved in the Russian war against Ukraine. The text of a draft letter of support is below.


    23 May 2024

    Dear friends!

    In May 2022, 19-year-old Belarusian Mikita Sviryd…

    26 Apr 2024

    Chris Cole, Virginia Moffatt

    Chris Cole and Virigina Moffatt report on their trial

    On 25 April our trial for Criminal Damage took place following our arrest on 29 December at Downing Street to protest the UK government’s complicity in the genocide in Gaza. We had poured red poster paint on the gates, and made bloody handprints, held placards and read the names of children killed by Israel and Hamas.

    The evening before our trial we held a gathering at the wonderful London Catholic Worker  where we spoke about our…

    21 Apr 2024

    The Villages Group

    Another report from the West Bank by the Israeli-Palestinian peace group The Villages Group

    On 5 April 2024 Erella, on behalf of The Villages Group writes:

    To our friends wherever they be,

    Incidents with settlers in the South Hebron Hills villages take place all the time, night and day. We, visiting our friends there most days of the week, reach…

    06 Apr 2024

    Freedom Flotilla Coalition

    The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is ready to try to break the siege on Gaza.

    4 April: The international Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) will sail in mid April with multiple vessels, carrying 5,500 tons of humanitarian aid and hundreds of international human rights observers to challenge the ongoing illegal Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.

    This is an emergency mission as the situation in Gaza is dire, with famine setting in in northern Gaza, and catastrophic hunger present throughout the Gaza Strip as the result of a deliberate policy by the Israeli…

    05 Apr 2024

    Rosy Bremer

    In February, we reported on an action by longtime peace activist Rosy Bremer, who painted a message on the outside of Portsmouth naval base: 'Love Rafah, Love Gaza, Love Peace'. Rosy has written to us that she was visited by two police officers in March, a PC and a WPC: 'They had come to tell me the Inspector had decided to offer me community resolution, instead of making me pay £280 to clean the naval base walls. They said if I wrote to the base commander and said sorry, that would draw a line under the matter.' Below is the message that Rosy wrote in response. The original 'Love Rafah, Love Gaza, Love Peace' message was still on the wall of the base as of 5 April.

    Sorry For The People Not The Wall
    I am sorry for
    The people
    Not the wall;
    The wall is solid
    And brick
    But people
    Are soft
    And bleed;
    Bleed from BAE bombs
    And Elbit
    They bleed
    And they
    People get shot
    When they
    For food.
    The wall
    Stands silent;
    Indifferent to
    A defence we
    Cannot breach,
    Unlike the everyday,…

    01 Apr 2024

    PN staff

    Despite the arguments of the United States, the ceasefire resolution passed by the UN security council is legally binding on Israel.

    On 25 March, the UN security council finally adopted a ceasefire resolution – because the United States finally stood aside and did not use its veto.

    Resolution 2728 called for a two-week ceasefire in Israel's war on Gaza, the release of hostages being held in Gaza and an 'expansion' in the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza – none of these items was made conditional on any other (see below for the full text of the resolution).

    The resolution called for a ceasefire lasting 'for…

    01 Apr 2024

    PN staff

    After five months of Israel's war of destruction in Gaza, there is strong support for Hamas and its leaders among Palestinians, certainly compared to Fatah, the political coalition that controls the Palestinian Authority and the West Bank. That is the finding of a poll in early March, carried out in both the West Bank and Gaza itself.


    If elections were held today, Hamas would likely win the presidency and definitely be the biggest party in Palestine’s parliament, according to an independent poll carried out in early March in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The poll was conducted by a respected independent think tank, the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research (PSR).

    The PSR…

    15 Mar 2024

    Tim Street

    A report from a recent Student/Young Pugwash Conference

    ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents enormous global opportunities: it has the potential to transform and enhance human wellbeing, peace and prosperity.’

    As highlighted in the Bletchley Declaration – the outcome of the AI Safety Summit, hosted by the UK government in November 2023 and held at…

    07 Mar 2024

    PN staff

    Just ahead of the second anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, a former head of the British armed forces called for a negotiated end to the war, trading ‘peace for land’. General David Julian Richards, lord Richards, said on 20 February: ‘War is the very last resort and we seem to too often treat it as the first resort and we’ve got to get back to diplomacy and seek some sort of resolution to it.’ Richards was echoing views expressed by a top US general back in November 2022.

    Ukraine should negotiate an end to its war with Russia, and be prepared to trade ‘peace for land’.

    That’s the view of one of Britain’s most senior retired military leaders, a former chief of the defence staff, general David Richards (lord Richards), expressed in a surprising interview with the BBC on 20 February. The full transcript of his interview is below. We should point out that we have not found any reporting of this interview, or of Richards’s call for negotiations, in any…

    22 Feb 2024

    PN staff

    A peace activist is not arrested despite police witnessing her spraypainting a pro-Gaza message on the outside of the city's naval base.

    In mid-February, longtime British peace activist Rosy Bremer spraypainted an anti-war message on the walls of Portsmouth naval base, which also houses an arm of the giant arms company BAE Systems.

    As you can see in the video shot by Linda Spence, Rosy spraypainted: '♥ Gaza ♥ Rafah ♥ peace'.

    Rosy told the Portsmouth News:

    'I'm a normal person and I believe we…

    29 Dec 2023

    PN staff

    "We cannot help being reminded of the Massacre of the Innocents"

    Two Christian protesters were arrested at Downing Street today [29 Dec '23] after pouring fake blood and putting bloody handprints on the gates. 

    Virginia Moffat (58) and Chris Cole (60) from Dorset said that the government had 'blood on its hands' after refusing to demand Israel end its bombing of Gaza, calling it 'a massacre of biblical proportions'.

    In a statement distributed at the protest the married couple said:

    "Britain's and Israel's justification for this…

    11 Dec 2023

    Radhya Almutawakel

    An interview carried out by CIVICUS and published on its website on 3 December 2023, with a leading Yemeni human rights campaigner, discussing the current situation in the Yemen War.

    What’s the current situation in Yemen, and what are the prospects of the conflict being resolved in the near future?

    First, it’s crucial to note that the conflict in Yemen goes beyond a mere civil war, as it spans three distinct dimensions: local, regional and international. It started in 2014 when the Ansar Allah (Houthi) armed group seized control of Sana’a, the capital, and escalated with the intervention of a Saudi-led coalition in 2015. The ongoing conflict has…

    02 Dec 2023

    Yorkshire CND

    An art exhibition and a music performance in York raised awareness about the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, adopted by the UN in 2017.

    On 26 November, CND and Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists gathered in York as part of a global day of action to call for an end to nuclear weapons and to bring attention to the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The event took place at the start of the second Meeting of States Parties (MSPs), a gathering of countries who have ratified…