Blog posts

    05 Apr 2023

    Janet Fenton

    On 15 February, Nicola Sturgeon announced that she was resigning as the leader of the Scottish National Party – and therefore as the leader of Scotland's government (in coalition with the Scottish Greens). Humza Yousaf was elected leader of the SNP on 27 March and then, on 28 March, he was elected to the position of first minister (FM) by members of the Scottish parliament (MSPs). The new FM has a track record of strong support for nuclear disarmament – and for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in particular.

    When Nicola Sturgeon resigned from her position as first minister (FM) of Scotland, many people from in Scotland – and from outside – were aware of her unwavering support for Scotland's commitment and action for nuclear disarmament, her rock-solid commitment to  the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (which is supported by an overwhelming majority of UN member states), her actions in sending messages to the TPNW negotiating conference in 2017, and exchanging very public letters…

    28 Mar 2023

    Alexandria Shaner

    'Sometimes refusing to fight is the bravest and most effective action one can take for peace and justice'

    It’s been 20 years since the lies and obfuscation that led to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. I’m about to turn 37 and it hit me: those events 20 years ago were how I began my political journey, though I didn't know it at the time. As a progressive activist, one doesn't easily lead with: 'As a teenager, I joined the Marines'... but I did.

    At the intersection of my life as a high school kid living just outside NYC during 9/11 and the…

    10 Mar 2023

    Kathy Kelly

    Those who have an insatiable appetite for war seldom heed the wreckage they have left behind, says longtime US peace activist Kathy Kelly, reflecting on her experiences in Iraq during wartime.

    Twenty years ago, in Baghdad, I shared quarters with Iraqis and internationals in a small hotel, the Al-Fanar, which had been home base for numerous Voices in the Wilderness delegations acting in open defiance of the economic sanctions against Iraq. US government officials charged us as criminals for delivering medicines to Iraqi hospitals. In response, we told them we understood the penalties they threatened us with (12 years in prison and a $1mn fine), but we couldn’t be governed by unjust…

    26 Feb 2023

    Milan Rai

    China's 12-point peace plan is not designed to achieve a breakthrough in ending the Ukraine War, but it has performed a service by raising the profile of peace talks as a way forward. The position paper is designed to appeal to many different groups of countries, including those in the Global South, while maintaining China's strategic partnership with Russia.

    On the first anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, 24 February, the Chinese foreign ministry released a 12-point position paper on resolving the Ukraine crisis.

    Is the Chinese peace plan helpful? Yes, but only in the most general sense of raising the profile of the need for peace talks (Point 4) – and a ceasefire (Point 3…

    26 Feb 2023

    Martyn Lowe

    A tribute to a warm and humorous peace activist and community worker.

    The death in January of Neil Collins has left a gap in my own and many other people’s lives.

    Neil Collins was one of those individuals who, though involved in many campaigning groups and organisations over the years, was not someone who wrote all that much.

    He was very knowledgeable about many aspects of the early history of the anarchist movement and the peace movement. I learnt a lot about this history and honed much of my radical political thinking while having long chats…

    24 Feb 2023

    Milan Rai

    Milan Rai surveys some important facts about possibilities for ending the Ukraine War that are often swept under the carpet

    The Ukraine War has had a horrifying impact on the people of Ukraine, and has been a disaster for people around the world hit by rising food and energy costs. 

    There are some important facts about possibilities for ending the Ukraine War that are often swept under the carpet, that are important for us to remember to help find a way out of this tragedy.

    The first and most significant fact is that Ukraine and Russia came right to the edge of agreeing a peace deal back in March…

    04 Jan 2023

    Angie Zelter

    Join 100,000 in London on 21 April to surround Westminster demanding a sustainable future

    This is a moment of huge potential

    On one hand, there are many reasons to feel the future is bleak: recent failure of COP27,  vicious attacks on migrants, unravelling living standards, widening inequality, crashing biodiversiy, and extreme weather events brought about by worsening climate conditions to name a few. On the other hand, there is a unique opportunity to unite across divides for effective action, and there is an amazing potential for change. 

    Along with the peace…

    23 Nov 2022

    Milan Rai

    A review of the polling evidence since 1954

    Below is a list of the UK public opinion polls used to draw up the chart on p17 of PN 2661, reproduced below. This chart showed that, consulting 24 polls during the period 1954 – 2015, only three showed public support for unilateral nuclear disarmament dipping – briefly – below 20 percent (1963: 15 percent / 1964: 16 percent / 2014: 18 percent). The other 21 polls showed much stronger support for British unilateral nuclear…

    08 Aug 2022

    Gaynor Lloyd

    I think the first time I met Eric was in the hall where we arms fair blockers met to do final preparations in September 2017. But it might have been when, as a rookie NVDA activist, I joined a meeting of the Mad Hatters affinity group of Trident Ploughshares.

    Wherever it was matters not. No-one could meet Eric and ever forget him - nor want to.

    The plan was to block the western entrance to the setting up of the arms fair on the designated 'No to Nuclear' day. As we hastened…

    08 Jul 2022

    Matt Gannon, Kathy Kelly

    Instead of using its resources to solve world poverty and homelessness at home, the US government continues to ship weapons abroad. Unexploded US weapons including cluster bombs continue to litter Afghanistan, causing casualties every day. What the world needs is a healing of the Earth – perhaps through permaculture, a US anti-war conference suggests.

    'No War 2022, July 8 – 10', hosted by World BEYOND War, will consider major and growing threats faced in today’s world. Emphasizing “Resistance and Regeneration,” the conference will feature practitioners of permaculture who work to heal scarred lands as well as abolish all war.

    Listening to various friends speak of the environmental impact of war, we recalled testimony from survivors of a Nazi concentration camp on the outskirts of Berlin,…

    20 Jun 2022

    Milan Rai

    In this online telling of the tale, over twice as long as the article we printed in PN 2660, we hear from the activists behind the landmark legal ruling that deliberately obstructive protest can be legal.

    Two slogan-covered boxes are bundled out of a van in East London. People lie down on the road next to the boxes.

    Within seconds, the police are there.

    So are the activists’ support team and other protesters.

    DSEI, one of the biggest arms fairs in the world, is being set up in the nearby ExCeL Centre.

    Within minutes, the four people lying in the road – Chris Cole, Henrietta Cullinan, Jo Frew and Nora Ziegler – have been arrested.


    This small action,…

    15 Jun 2022

    PN staff

    The Faslane Action for Bomb Ban Camp has led to at least four arrests outside RNAD Coulport, the nuclear warhead storage facility in west Scotland

    At least four people have been arrested among the many actions this week at the FABB (Faslane Action for Bomb Ban) Camp in Peaton Wood, in western Scotland.

    According to the FABB organisers, one of the arrestees was deprived of her heart medication for nine hours by police and threatened with being held overnight without access to her medication.

    The FABB Camp is very close to RNAD Coulport in western Scotland, which holds the…

    13 May 2022

    Ken Jones

    Reject Raytheon AVL, a local anti-militarist campaign group in North Carolina, USA, shut down the construction of a military plant in the US.

    It was an Earth Day to remember. On a beautiful sunny spring day, our local citizen coalition Reject Raytheon (in Asheville, North Carolina, USA) pulled off a three-part demonstration for the protection of the earth and earthlings and against the US military-industrial complex. We rallied, we paraded, and we performed a direct action.

    The event, on Friday 22 April, began at 10am in the Bent Creek River Park, on the banks of the French Broad River. The park sits exactly next to the new…

    26 Apr 2022

    PN staff

    Three campaigning groups respond 

    The news that US billionaire Elon Musk is buying Twitter has sparked a wide range of concerns. One worry has been the emphasis Musk has placed on boosting free speech on the platform. Below are reactions from three different campaigning groups, giving their different perspectives on the issues.

    The EFF (based in San Francisco in the US) says it ‘champions user privacy, free expression, and…

    15 Mar 2022

    Paul Rogers

    Transcript of a Zoom talk by Paul Rogers for Peace News on 10 March 2022

    The talk can be watched here.

    This is an awful subject to try and talk about. What I’d like to try and do, is try and look back and see how we’ve got to here, why it has happened, what has happened and where we are two weeks into this war, and what might happen next and what might be the best sort of outcome we could look for.

    I won’t go into any detail in any one area because…