Climate change & climate action

1 February 2016Feature

A worm’s-eye view of the ‘Red Lines’ climate action in Paris, or how I ended up at the front of a 10,000-strong illegal march

Angels protecting the Red Line demonstration in Paris on 12 December. Photo: Yann Levy

Friday started in an airy industrial squat just outside central Paris, with two men arguing whether the type of tear gas used by the French police has ever been implicated in the deaths of protesters.

The people being trained to form a human barricade practiced linking our arms through backpack straps (see p20), locking our legs together when sitting down, ducking our heads to minimise…

1 February 2016Feature

Last December PN's editor - and 129 others - headed for the climate negotiations in Paris ... by bike

PN’s Milan Rai (l); Emily Johns (r), Abby Nicol; and Thad Skews, set off on 6 December from Hastings Pier for the Paris climate talks.

The four reported back afterwards. Poster: THAD SKEWS.

The 130-strong Time to Cycle ride nears Newhaven ferry port. photo: cat fletcher.

After five days cycling through Dieppe, Rouen and Freneuse, we reached Paris on 10 December, forming an illegal mass ride which was ‘kettled’ by police on the Champs-Elysée – for 20…

6 January 2016Blog

An important perspective on last November's 'People's March for Climate, Justice and Jobs'

On Dec. 7th, indigenous activists from across the world kayaked down the river Seine to protest the removal of the protection of indigenous rights as a crucial aspect of the climate treaty being negotiated in Paris. The push back against indigenous rights was led by the U.S., EU, Australia – all states with a rich past and present of colonial exploitation of people and land – who feared that the protection of indigenous rights might create legal liabilities.

The securing of indigenous…

2 December 2015Blog

The Department for Energy and Climate Change was renamed the 'department for extreme climate change' as COP21, the UN climate negotiations, opened in Paris.

Five Christian climate protestors were arrested in Whitehall on 30 November for protesting against government hypocrisy on climate change, which they called a 'climate whitewash'. The five, from Christian Climate Action, were arrested for criminal damage after writing in whitewash and black paint on the wall of the DECC (department for energy and climate change). They said 'underneath…

1 December 2015Comment

We can only win climate justice by breaking the rules

On 9 November, 1,000 young people marched in the streets of Washington, DC, for hours, demanding justice on race, climate, and immigration. Photo:

Like global climate change group, we all need to look beyond the Paris climate talks and whatever protests we manage to organise there to the building of mass civil disobedience for climate justice in 2016. is talking about an escalation in May 2016.

Whatever comes out of the COP21 negotiations in…

1 December 2015Comment

Three French campaign groups respond to the 13 November atrocities in Paris.

Graphic: Bryn

Attac released this statement on 18 November, just five days after the attacks in Paris:

In the aftermath of the massacres of Paris, members and supporters of Attac, in unison with the French society, feel horror and revulsion at the indiscriminate and murderous hatred.

Attac expresses its solidarity with the victims and their relatives. The people murdered Friday night were merely exercising their right to conviviality, to…

1 December 2015Feature

Why the UN climate summit can't succeed

The hopes of the world are once again being placed on one meeting, and are once again guaranteed to be dashed before the first words are even uttered.

That’s a hard sentence for a long-time climate change activist to write. But it’s absolutely true. For 21 straight years, the United Nations has made a fatal mistake in its attempt to curb the emission of greenhouse gases around the globe.

I’m talking about a mistake of truly epic proportions, and of mesmerising idiocy,…

22 October 2015Blog

The G8 summit in 2005, praised for 'Making Poverty History', was a cynical sham. How can we prevent the Paris climate talks following the same path?

The climate negotiations in Paris in December are shaping up to be an orgy of self-congratulation for the great powers, as they trumpet pledges to reduce their carbon emissions. There's a real risk that an inadequate - and non-binding - deal will nevertheless be represented as ʻsolvingʼ the problem of climate change.

Thereʼs an ominous parallel here with the 'Make Poverty History' campaign…

1 October 2015News

Coal campaigners win Caerphilly victory

Activists celebrate the Caerphilly council’s vote against Nant Llesg open cast mine. Photo: LOTTE REIMER

Back in October 2007, George Monbiot published The New Coal Age. Expressing his absolute incomprehension and dismay, Monbiot wrote: ‘If this is allowed to happen, we might as well give up now.’ He was, of course, talking about Ffos y Fran opencast coalmine.

Well, our authorities in Wales, from the Labour-controlled government to Merthyr Tydfil council, did allow…

1 October 2015Feature

PN offers training for Paris climate actions

Around 1,000 people nonviolently occupied and shut down Europe’s biggest source of carbon emissions, a giant opencast coalmine in Germany, on 15 August.

Do you want to be part of a rising movement for climate justice and a Just Transition to a decarbonised economy? The UN summit on climate change (COP21) is coming to Paris in December and mobilisations are gaining momentum.

PN is…

1 August 2015Comment

On our way to a peaceful, stable world, we need Just Transitions to bridge the gap

How can we create a genuinely common agenda for the climate movement and the disarmament movement? It’s easy – and still important – to say that the money we spend on nuclear weapons could be spent on preventing climate change, but there must be more than that.

For us in the peace movement, it can be hard sometimes to see that climate change is already a reality today, it’s not just about what might happen two generations from now. We’re already seeing the impact of climate change…

1 August 2015News

Climate change activists take action in wake of Airports Commission recommendations

On the north runway, Heathrow, 13 July. Photo: Plane Stupid

On 13 July, 12 climate change activists from anti-airport expansion direct action group, Plane Stupid, broke into Heathrow airport in west London at 3.30am. They locked-on to fencing on the north runway, disrupting flights for eight hours, leading to 22 flights being cancelled.

The protesters said that going ahead with the recent Airports Commission recommendation of a third Heathrow runway would make it impossible…

1 August 2015Feature

Four years of grassroots campaigning defeated Cuadrilla’s plans to drill for shale gas in Lancashire

Petition against fracking handed into Lancashire county council, August 2014. Photo: Frack Free Lancashire.

After Lancashire county council unexpectedly rejected Cuadrilla’s application to frack at Preston New Road, near Blackpool, on 29 June, I wanted to hear a bit more of the story from someone at the frontline of this monumental decision. Bob Dennett is a co-founder of Frack Free Lancashire. On 1 July, he told me a bit about the story that led to Monday’s campaign win, and the…

1 August 2015Feature

Trade unionists and climate activists call for massive investment to create a million climate jobs

Oxford students take part in the worldwide campaign calling on institutions to divest from fossil fuels. Photo: Fossil Free UK

To halt climate change we need drastic cuts in the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases we put into the air. That means leaving most of the existing reserves of high carbon fuels – coal, oil and gas – in the ground. There are thousands of things we need to do to make that a reality. But three of them will make most of the difference.

1 June 2015Feature

Climate activists prepare for a crucial meeting

Abandoned power station in Charleroi, Belgium. Photo: Tom Redd

In December, the centre of Paris will be taken over by campaigners demanding that their governments make a legally-binding pledge to tackle climate change. ‘Coalition Climat 21’ will be organising actions in the run-up to, and during, the 21st United Nations climate change ‘conference of the parties’ (COP21) from 30 November – 11 December.

Hopes are high that the Paris negotiations will end with a universal,…