Issue: 2628 - 2629

April - May 2019


Top Stories

US climate breakthrough

by Nick Engelfried

How young activists in the Sunrise movement turned the old idea of a Green New Deal into a powerful movement

Can we unite Leavers and Remainers?

by PN staff

How to have difficult conversations (about Brexit)

When murder is not a crime

by Milan Rai

State killings in Northern Ireland: what you won’t read in recent Guardian coverage

Signs of the power of grassroots action is all around us, argues Milan Rai


Obituary: Paul Flynn: 9 February 1935 – 17 February 2019

by Nuclear Free Local Authorities

'Thinking man's Dennis Skinner' was indefatigable peace campaigner

Welsh communities reject burial of nuclear waste

by Brian Jones

Consultation meeting cancelled because of planned protests

Beyond nuclear to peace

by Jill Evans

Aberystwyth holds packed meeting US campaigner

Women strike for equality

by PN staff

Six million women join Spanish protests

Stansted 15 spared jail, spark resistance

by David Polden

Sentencing prompts counter-trial and direct action

Immigration court victories

by PN staff

High Court orders halt to 'no warning' deportations

Deportations make us sick

by PN staff

Campaigners gatecrash airline industry dinner

Biggest protest ever at the British Museum

by PN staff

300+ demand end to oil sponsorship

1,400,000 students strike for the climate

by PN staff

Actions across globe demand urgent action on climate change



by Donald Rooum

Peace Schools

by Jane Harries

Seven more schools to join network

Stop the bulldozers

by David Polden

Campaigners block JCB headquarters

Extinction Rebellion spreads

by PN staff

Group claims 200 chapters worldwide as protests continue

Four Green MEPs arrested at Belgian nuclear base

by PN staff

Action challenges EU countries to expel US nukes


Sea Tangle

by Sarah Gittins

Artwork by Sarah Gittins

The Green New Deal resolution

by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ed Markey

This is the full text of the ground-breaking climate justice proposal put forward in both houses of the US congress in February

Israel is a terrorist state

by UN Human Rights Council

UN Commission finds Israeli forces 'killed and gravely injured civilians who were neither participating directly in hostilities nor posing an imminent threat to life'

Stop your school funding carbon criminals

by Gabriel Carlyle

Students, parents, teachers and staff can all help break the hold that fossil fuel companies have on our governments and economies

‘Double your climate targets’

by Greta Thunberg

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg (16) who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, delivered this speech to the European Commission on 21 February

Judging US war crimes

by Kathy Kelly

Chelsea Manning reimprisoned

I'm gonna lay down that atom bomb

by Linda Pearson, Michael Orgel, Guy Johnson

A Scottish peace initiative focused on the power of money


Case Study: Peru, 1918–1919

by Lekey Leidecker

Workers’ general strike wins eight-hour day

Radical music: 'Solo es nuestro deseo ... acabar con el fascismo'

by Penny Stone

'So comrades come rally, for this is the time and place'

Diary: 'I propose starting with study circles'

by Cath

'Is it an anarchist utopia? Of course not, don't be silly.'

Bruce Kent: As I please

by Bruce Kent

'Weapons are supposed to bring security”

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Our columnist takes on the lack of abortion rights in Northern Ireland

Cartoons etc

Telford by Tony Telford

Roouminations by Donald Rooum