Issue: 2663

December 2022 - January 2023


Top Stories

Biden’s fake peace offers on Ukraine

by Milan Rai

Biden’s ‘offer’ to negotiate was a half-hearted dishonest trick

Austerity 2.0 is a choice not a necessity

by Milan Rai

The £55bn ‘fiscal black hole’ is not a real thing

Cutting military spending is an urgent necessity

by PN staff

The peace movement has a window of opportunity to press the government

The West applies different standards to Russia than to itself


No, not ‘next year Jerusalem’

by PN staff

UK government ditches plans for embassy move

Future Wars conference report

by Chris Cole

Campaigners explore how to challenge emerging military technologies

Young Afghan activists in danger – an appeal

by Kathy Kelly, Ed McManus

Help needed to resettle peacemakers in Portugal

Unfreeze Afghanistan: six million near famine

by PN staff

Call for US to release billions of assets belonging to Afghanistan's central bank

Top US general wages a sustained public campaign for Ukraine peace negotiations

by Milan Rai

As the US civilian leadership engages in deceit about peace talks...

Human chain for Assange

by David Polden

Thousands surround Parliament in call to free Wikileaks founder

No new US nukes

by PN staff

Lakenheath protest against return of US nuclear weapons to the UK 

Overthrowing democracy?

by PN staff

Zombies visit Home Office over Public Order Bill

A climate justice victory at COP27

by PN staff

New campaign needed to support financing for the Global South


Solidarity with Yemen

by David Polden

Actions in Holyhead, Lancaster and Southampton, ahead of January High Court hearing

Alternative Remembrance

by David Polden

Remembrance Day peace events held in London, Bristol, Birmingham, Bradford and Brighton

End sanctions on Iran

by PN staff

US campaigners call for end to 'brutal' embargo

Civil resistance in Ukraine

by PN staff

Report assesses impact of nonviolent action

22 more civilian protectors needed for Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant

by PN staff

Twenty-eight activists already recruited for unarmed team

Elbit suffers from Palestine Action

by David Polden

$160m contract withdrawn from arms company targeted by campaigners

Climate Justice March

by David Polden

Thousands join Global Day of Action in London


‘The world still looks like an empire’

by Mia Mottley

These are excerpts from the speech of Mia Mottley, the prime minister of Barbados, at the opening of COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

Come together?

by Gabriel Carlyle

Three possible joint campaigns for the peace and climate movements


Activism is not an unpopularity contest

by Gabriel Carlyle

Head-on confrontation is not always the way to win

Stories teach us how to win

by George Lakey

As George Lakey publishes his brilliant memoir, Dancing with History: A Life for Peace and Justice, here are some wonderful stories from his life of committed nonviolence.


Obituary: Don Sutherland: 18 June 1919 – 17 August 2022

by Richard Keeble

Quaker, diver and WW2 conscientious objector

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Our columnist takes aim at unnecessary noise

What else

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

PTSD sucks. So, what can we do about it?

Diary: ‘If I don’t take myself seriously, why should anyone else?’

by Cath

Our Bentley-based cooperator tries to strike a balance between idealism and dogma

Beyond the barricades

by Ambrose Musiyiwa

Ambrose Musiyiwa talks to social psychologist Jo Biglin about visualising the UK's invisible borders

Radical music: 'Baraye'

by Penny Stone

'They always think they can silence the singer, but they can never silence the song.'

Obituary: Godric Bader December 1923 – 7 July 2022

by Milan Rai

Conscientious objector, chair of Scott Bader and winner of International Peace Award

How to support the strikers

by Gabriel Carlyle

Thirteen things I've learned visiting picket lines

Cartoons etc

Letterpress Anarchy by Dennis Gould

Telford by Tony Telford