by Marc Hudson
With the ever-cumulative emissions growing, a climate activist envisions the world two years from now and the lessons that tomorrow can teach today
by Betsy Leondar-Wright
How can middle-class campaigners become better at cross-class collaboration? An excerpt from the pioneering book Class Matters
by Flavia Tudoreanu, David MacKenzie, Janet Fenton, Dagmar Medeiros, Andy Hinton, Amy Christison
A day-by-day account by a Scottish civil society team of the second part of the United Nations negotiations to ban the Bomb
The most effective actions exert power and engage conscience, argues Milan Rai
by PN
Aberystwyth remembers murdered MP
by Tony Young
Tony Young visits Wales' 'National Air Show'
by Patricia Richards
Radical choir targets HSBC on day of action
Rolling month of action comes to Lancashire
by David Polden
Government acted improperly, high court rules
by Jo Lo
Campaigners to appeal high court verdict
122 nations vote for treaty outlawing nuclear weapons
by Donald Rooum
by David Wyn
Gathering considers Brexit impact on UK Celtic languages
Independence day protests @ Menwith Hill
by Sue Gilmurray
Sue Gilmurray reports on this year's Peace History Conference
NEW DATES 14 –17 June 2018
by Amy Corcoran
Art the Arms Fair aims to make the DSEI arms fair this September the most-talked-about arms fair ever.
by Peter Salmon
Evidence to Pichford inquiry unlikely to be heard until mid-2019
Come to PN's digital tools dayschool in January 2018!
by UN nuclear ban conference
The opening sections of a historic agreement
by Milan Rai
How the mainstream media self-censored ‘revenge for western foreign policy’ from their reporting of the Manchester attacks
by Ryan Leitner, Andres Cordero
Indigenous peoples stop open-cast coal mine
by Penny Stone
'In such extreme realities what can we offer but solidarity and song?'
by Jeff Cloves
Jeff Cloves reflects on the intertwined histories of Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie and the US labour movement
by Nikki No-Nukes
Nikki No-Nukes on her recent trip to Coulport, where the nuclear warheads for Trident submarines are stored and loaded onto missiles.
by Bruce Kent
We need to get our priorities right, argues Bruce Kent
by Tom Gill
Poet, photographer and disability rights activist