Issue: 2590-2591

February - March 2016


Top Stories

Should we 'call people out'? Or call them in?

by Betsy Leondar-Wright

How should a white anti-racist respond to racist remarks by another white person?

On the side of the angels

by Milan Rai

A worm’s-eye view of the ‘Red Lines’ climate action in Paris, or how I ended up at the front of a 10,000-strong illegal march

Taking some action makes it more possible to take more action, argues Milan Rai


Clean up the act

by Lotte Reimer

Supporters pay drone campaigners' fine

Machtivists on trial

by Lotte Reimer

Heathrow 13 found guilty

Stop arming the Saudi war in Yemen

by Natalie Shanklin

Campaigners bring legal challenge to UK arms exports

Bad arrest, good result

by Chris Bluemel

He fought the law ...

Climate Action 2016


Coming soon to a planet near you ...

Swiss to vote on Basic Income

by PN staff

Referendum marks turning point in campaign for new human right

Christians whitewash ‘dept for extreme climate change’

by PN staff

'Woe to you ... you hypocrites!'


Police harass Scottish peace campaigners

by David Polden

Nukewatchers detained

Anti-Trident action from Edinburgh to London

by David Polden

'Peaton Pirates' take on nukes

Met gives in on eighth undercover police relationship case

by PN staff

Met withdraw defence to avoid disclosure

When will they ever learn?

by Kelvin Mason

Coal giant attempts to enclose common land

Housmans digs deep

by Catherine Barter

Crowdfunded basement opens at PN's sister bookshop


Backpack blockading

by PN staff

Top tips from Paris!

How to tackle classism... and how not to

by Betsy Leondar-Wright

The final part of our interview with Betsy Leondar-Wright, author of Missing Class

The 2015 Creative Activist Awards

by Nadine Bloch

Drum roll please ...

Transform now!

by Brian Larkin

Ploughshares activist Megan Rice first speaker at new Peace & Justice Centre

Trident and UK security

by Philip Webber

Flaws in the theory and practice of nuclear deterrence for the UK

Pulling together

by Natalie Shanklin

Who’s doing what to stop them replacing Britain’s nuclear weapon system?

We can stop Trident replacement

by Angie Zelter

Take action at Burghfield this June


40 years ago: Overwhelming Woody

by Albert Beale

In line with its counter-cultural aims when moving its editorial office out of London for some years, PN gave regular space to ‘Woody’, who called for a commitment to alternative ways of living, rather than oppositional politics. He provoked much debate from correspondents.

Activism and ... Luxury


Baths, time and Nintendo

Radical music: 'A Mighty Song of Peace'

by Penny Stone

Penny Stone remembers Geoffrey Carnall, singer, peace activist and mine of musical information

The Personal Column: Tales of the Emperor

by Jeff Cloves

Jeff Cloves reflects on Newspeak, ancient and modern

With My Hammer

by Shannon Smy

I will stand and I will defend my right to fight against violence

Time to cycle

by PN staff

Last December PN's editor - and 129 others - headed for the climate negotiations in Paris ... by bike

First to die, to fight, to march

by Wretched of the Earth Bloc

An open letter from the Wretched of the Earth bloc about the ‘People’s March for Climate, Justice and Jobs’ on 29 November

Cartoons etc

Almost ... by SEG

Roouminations by Donald Rooum