Issue: 2547-2548

July-August 2012


Top Stories

How (not) to burn out

by Emily Johns, Gabriel Carlyle

PN staff spend a week in tents in howling winds and driving rain on the edge of Dartmoor and return tranquil

Feel the fear and do it anyway

by Milan Rai

April’s Symposium on Nonviolent Movements & the Barrier of Fear brought dozens of activists and researchers from around the world to Coventry.

The pros and cons of 'rebel countercultures'


Lesters v Lockheed


Arms company gets an unwanted visit

Israel ‘reneges’ on deal

by David Polden

Palestinian prisoners still being held in solidarity confinement

'Forswear blockading or face seven years' jail'

by David Polden

US activist faces stiff jail sentence for resisting military recruiting

Police spy 'committed arson'

by David Polden

Did police spy Bob Lambert fire-bomb Debenhams?

Remote killing

by Gabriel Carlyle

UK public split on drone strikes as lawyers challenge British complicity and the peace movement gears up for ‘Ground the Drones’ week of action.

Act Now!

by Milan Rai, Emily Johns

Ignored by the mainstream media (who preferred to concentrate on the Queen's Jubilee), scientists are warning that the Earth could be approaching a catastophic "state shift" leading to mass extinctions.

more news



'Alternative Jubilee' celebrated at UK bomb factory

Occupy roundup

by Rebecca Boyle

Rebecca Boyle recaps the latest UK developments

T-shirt protestor to appeal in ‘domestic extremism’ case

by Rebecca Boyle

Veteran campaigner challenges 'extremism' database


Obama's Honduran war

by Mike Phipps

Why is the US arming and supporting a violent military regime against its own people?


by Rebecca Boyle

Marking the anniversary

Security Games

by Kevin Blowe

Community legal observers – one response to the Olympic police operation

Hiroshima banner


Jen Painter explains the role of banner-making in local peace group Hastings Against War

Activism and the limits of consensus

by Milan Rai, George Lakey

The final part of our interview with US activist George Lakey


Wales and Scotland

How green are our valleys? Around and about the fair country

by Kelvin Mason

Kelvin Mason surveys the Welsh activist scene

The Faslane effect

by Leonna O'Neill, Julia Herzog, Angus Chalmers

As Faslane Peace Camp celebrates its 30th birthday with a month of action.

Your country (still) needs you!

by Trwper Twp

Trwper Twp clowns around in Lampeter

Cartoons etc