
1 March 2001 Ippy D

When we made the decision to put this issue of Peace News together we did so because we knew that many of the issues being tackled by the so-called new breed of anti-globalisation activists are directly and undeniably linked with militarism. But that in many ways the international peace movement has been quite slow and ineffective at making those links visible. This issue of Peace News is one attempt to further expose and highlight those links.

We spent time attempting to pin down exactly what we would focus on, and in the end rejected creating an issue which focuses on globalisation however topical. Instead, while acknowledging the context provided by the ease with which capital, goods and services have been enabled to flow around the world, we decided that what we were really doing was creating an issue which would look at the economies of militarism.

To this end, PN 2442 has tried to focus on four distinct areas:


3 January 2001 Ippy D

The Israeli-Palestinian crisis, or rather the war (lets call it what it actually is), has not been taking place between two sides who are equally to blame, as you could be fooled into thinking by the mass media, and even by some peace activists. To claim that there is an equal power relationship between the state of Israel and the Palestinian Authority is a lie which must be challenged.

Since 1993 the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been responsible for the provision of many services (health, education, social etc) to its population, but it has not had control of the most basic resources such as land and water, or access to international economic markets. Consequently the Palestinians have remained dependent on the state of Israel for economic co-operation (one figure suggests that 25% of Palestinian GDP comes from such co-operation).

Economic separation


3 January 2001 Janet Kilburn

It is an oft-repeated question: does reform undermine revolution, or can they co-exist? In semi-response to George Farebrothers article The Law v Nuclear Weapons (PN 2440) Janet Kilburn argues "probably not".

Personally I find the very notion of regulating warfare, of nations and peoples signing up to agree the rules of engagement, truly disturbing. If we believe that war is inherently a bad thing, why should we devote our time and energy to trying to make it a better thing, or a more humane thing. When is cutting peoples throats, dropping bombs from a great height or burning people who you do not even know, humane?

Surely by investing our energies in attempting to reform and improve the…

3 January 2001 Lorna Richardson and Richard Pakleppa

Landscape of Memory, a set of videos produced by a coalition of Southern African film-makers and reviewed in PN 2440, covers the different ways that people have found to deal with the great traumas that have been visited on the region through war, apartheid and repression. The Namibian video, Nda Mona (I Have Seen), discusses the difficult and doubly painful issues raised when the repression comes from your comrades, your "own side". The director, Richard Pakleppa, talked to Lorna Richardson.

Richard Pakleppa was a conscientious objector to serving in the South African occupation army, and went to Europe, where he worked as a camera assistant. He then moved to Cape Town, along with other young Namibian radicals, and became involved in “civic youth, working class student struggles, organising mass campaigns, the powerful use of culture, propaganda, theatre, music, stayaways, boycotts”. In 1986 he returned to Namibia and worked for some years as an activist and union organiser for…