Zelter, Zina

Zelter, Zina

Zina Zelter

1 March 2006Feature

The government is currently reviewing its energy policy in relation to climate change. It seems that Tony Blair wants to build 10 new nuclear power stations around the UK. Apparently he thinks this is a solution to Britain's need to cut carbon emissions by 20% by 2020 and 60% by 2050.

In reality, even if we doubled nuclear power in the UK, it would only cut carbon emissions by about 8%. It would also double the amount of radioactive spent fuel in the UK (which we still have no safe…

1 November 2005News

The shiny image of Rolls Royce was been somewhat tarnished at the end of October, after a group of determined protesters from across the country spent three days getting under the skin of the company and exposing to the residents of Derby the dirty underbelly of the engine that powers Britain's illegal Trident submarines.

Over the course of the action, protesters leafleted the town, held a public meeting, a silent vigil and a blockade and demonstration to make sure that the good…