Laing, Frances

Laing, Frances

Frances Laing

1 July 2008Feature

At the time of going to press (and almost a month after she died) the exact cause of Pauline Campbell’s death remains unclear. At her funeral in Whitchurch a former work colleague said simply: “She died of a broken heart”.

Beyond the church and at the cemetery, fellow peace and prison campaigners Joan Meredith and Helen John stood silently holding a single banner. It read “Home Office Responsible for Pauline’s Death”. Helen John explained “Pauline’s life could have been turned…

1 November 2006Feature

Since 1 October, the Faslane nuclear submarine base in western Scotland has been subjected to wave after wave of anti-nuclear activists visiting and blockading the site. As Peace News went to press at least 125 people had been arrested for carrying out actions at the site in the first three weeks. Below, Frances Laing interviews blockader Joan Meredith and, at the end, there's a quick round up of the highlights of the story so far...

Frances Laing talks to Joan Meredith, founder member of Trident Ploughshares, following her arrest at Faslane 365 in October.

Frances: Why did you join the opening Faslane 365 blockade?

Joan: I remembered Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was 1945. I was 15 years old - the announcement on the radio that the bomb had been dropped and then the awful thing was seeing it on the Pathe Gazette news - utter devastation and the tales of horror - how people had finished up…