Polo Soltero, Pedro Enrique

Polo Soltero, Pedro Enrique

Pedro Enrique Polo Soltero

1 December 2001Feature

Explaining their work to support lesbian and gai activists in prison, Pedro Enrique Polo Soltero from Madrid-based group Gais Antimilitaristas places the need for nonviolent action - both inside and outside of the prison walls - in the wider context of working to globalise human rights and of supporting activists living and working under oppressive and militarist governments worldwide.

I can't offer a historical analysis of the situation for the gai or lesbian community in prison. I do not have any statistical information regarding the total number of lesbians and gais in prison, neither information about their sentences, nor information about their crimes, and even less information about the law. The only resources I have to draw on are from Amnesty International and other human rights groups.

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