Jay, Conner

Jay, Conner

Conner Jay

1 March 2005News

On 4 February more than 20,000 packed into London's Trafalgar Square to hear Nelson Mandela issue a rallying cry to “make poverty history” in 2005, and challenging world leaders to “recognise that the world is hungry for action, not words”.

His call came as finance ministers from the world's richest countries arrived in London for the G7 meeting where they will discuss cutting poor countries' $39 billion debt burden.

Mr Mandela was invited to London by the Make Poverty…

1 February 2005News

Bush inauguration marked in both silence and rage

Outside the US embassy in London on the evening of president Bush’s inauguration for a second term in office, a silent candlelit vigil was held to remember those who have lost their lives in the Iraq conflict. A black coffin, representing the estimated 100,000+ who have died, was placed directly opposite the front doors of the embassy.

Brought to a standstill (again)

Thousands of people took to the streets in cities across the US (see…

1 February 2005News

On 20 January, just outside 10 Downing Street, the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities organised a protest – supported by an alliance of campaigning and human rights groups – against the detention of suspects without trial and calling for an end to the political terror that the anti-terror legislation has itself created. Activists, human rights lawyers and members of the London Muslim community attended the event at which they urged the government to stop detention without trial and…

1 February 2005News

With a true sense of nostalgia, Peace News reflects back on its long history of publishing. Even half a century ago, PN was “providing a forum where nonviolent and anti-militarist movements could develop common perspectives” … in the form of a weekly tabloid (well, you never know...).

Everyone can change

1955 had many the same conflicts and issues that continue to trouble the world today, from the poor distribution of wealth to massive arms build-ups. In the 4…

1 June 2001News

Protesting at Coca-Cola

Early morning on 4 March an alliance of anti-capitalist activists and human rights campaigners, held a successful blockade of Coca-Cola's distribution centre and full service vending depot in Longwell Green, Bristol.

The protest prevented lorries from leaving the depot and disrupted shipments intended to come into the site, causing (it is believed) shortages throughout the region. Protesters were taking direct action against the multinational company to highlight Coca Cola's…