Dalyell, Tam

Dalyell, Tam

Tam Dalyell

13 August 2011Feature

After the Falklands/Malvinas war, Tam Dalyell (Labour MP for West Lothian/Linlithgow, 1962--2005) mounted a long campaign to expose government lies about the sinking of Argentinian warship the General Belgrano.

PN : Do you see parallels between the current ``war on terror'' (and the war on Iraq in particular) , and the Falk? lands/Malvinas war in 1982.

TD: Two parallels strike me. The first is that in the Falklands, there was the Peruvian peace proposals [see box]. Knowingly, when Mrs Thatcher sank the Belgrano, she knew about the Peruvian peace proposals, and wanted to torpedo them. By that time, she didn't want peace. Years later, the same was to happen to Hans Blix. If he'd been…