Issue: 2566

February 2014


Top Stories

Howard Clark: 6 March 1950 – 28 November 2013

by Andrew Rigby, Michael Randle

Our dear friend and comrade Howard Clark was a mainstay of Peace News since the 1970s and of War Resisters' International (WRI) since the 1980s.

De-developing nukes

by Howard Clark

We revisit Howard Clark’s ideas on nonviolent strategy from 1978

Howard's proposal for a network of nonviolence study and action groups



by David Polden

Dissenters in the ranks

Out of control

by Gabriel Carlyle

’Crime, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity’ (Tacitus).

Peace Pilgrimage for Syria

by Dan Viesnik

Syria Peace and Justice

International campaign halts South Korean arms exports

by Emily Masters

After a four-month campaign, the international Stop the Shipment campaign succeeded in stopping a shipment of over a million canisters of tear gas to Bahrain on 8 January.



by Donald Rooum

The World is My Country

by PN staff

Peace News' First World War poster project

Dr Who: an anniversary treat

by Virginia Moffatt

Family television wrestles with the concept of redemptive violence

Anti-roads victories

by Emily Masters

Prosecution suffers numerous defeats in Combe Haven trials


Free Margaretta!

by Carol Fox

79-year old Margaretta D’Arcy's anti-war action lands her in jail


Activism and... Power

by PN

'I don’t think we think about it enough'

20 years ago: Howard Clark on humanitarian intervention

by Albert Beale

Howard Clark, reviews a Bradford University report by Nick Lewer and Oliver Ramsbotham on ‘humanitarian intervention’, written during the break-up of Yugoslavia.

Jailhouse rock

by Jeff Cloves

‘Everybody in the whole cell block was dancing to the jailhouse rock’ Elvis Presley 1957

Cartoons etc

Roouminations by Donald Rooum by

Telford by Tony Telford

Almost... by SEG

Jill's Defence Weekly by Jill Gibbon