This year the theme of Peace News Summer Camp is ‘With My Hammer’, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the historic ‘Seeds of Hope East Timor Ploughshares – Women Disarming for Life and Justice’ action. The anniversary of the four women’s acquittal falls on the Saturday of the camp, 30 July.
There will be a workshop with at least two women who hammered on the Hawk jet due to be exported to Indonesia, and also women from the Seeds of Hope support group, who played a crucial role in the process.The idea is that all of us have some kind of hammer that we use to work for life and justice, whether it is art, poetry, direct action, conflict skills, bookkeeping, song, knitting, writing.... The camp is an invitation to connect with other folk, some new to activism, some who’ve been around for decades, and to explore nonviolent direct action.
Entertainment is provided by the mighty Seize the Day! a world-class political folk band, who will be performing their powerful song about the Seeds of Hope Ploughshares action, ‘With My Hammer’.
As requested last time, we have more activities in the Teen Space (organised by teens), and we’re trying to help Crabapple build a hot shower for use during the camp!
If you’re interested what goes on at the camp, but are not up for camping, there are places to stay around Crabapple, and we might be able to find you a bed to sleep in if you get in touch.
After the last camp, people’s poet John Hegley wrote to us: ‘What a champ camp!’
Join us!
-----------------------------------------------Peace News Summer Camp, 28 July–1 August, at Crabapple community, Berrington Hall, a half-mile from Berrington village, and one mile from the larger village of Cross Houses, near Shrewsbury. The postcode is SY5 6HA but that actually points to a house a hundred yards south-east of Crabapple itself (keep heading away from Berrington village). There will be some scheduled transport from/to Shrewsbury train station on most days. More info, and cycling route, on the camp website, below.
Registration costs £20–£135 for over-14s. Under-14s: £5-£30 by parental income; under-1s free. Food: (three meals a day and drinks) costs £6–£12 a day for over-14s, depending on income. Children’s food is by donation. Individual meals will also be available, or you can self-cater. Food tickets will only be available for purchase at camp.
Workshops include:
- ‘Islamophobia and anti-refugee racism after Brussels’
- ‘Stop Trident replacement!’
- Nonviolent direct action
- ‘Where next for Peace News?’
- ‘Conflict in groups’
- ‘What’s happened to Zylum?’
- ‘Making meetings better’
- ‘Making cakes better – and more vegan’
Nonviolent revolution - Chomsky’s Politics
among many others!
My favourite things....
Some things that last year’s campers said they liked about Peace News Summer Camp, which was also held at Crabapple community near Shrewsbury:
- ‘Brilliant time – great kids space. Relaxed + loads of fun.’
- ‘Workshops, welcoming, safe, enjoyable, relaxing yet taxing?!’
- ‘The inclusion, friendliness, openness, feeling safe to say things. Analysis and discussion.’
- 'All the usual things, lovely relaxed atmosphere, thought-provoking discussions, really important to have this space to connect with others working on same issue, networking, learning.’
Speakers include:
- Director of the Institute for Race Relations, Liz Fekete
- Natalie Bennett, leader of the Green Party
- the inestimable Bruce Kent
- author and activist Andrea Needham, reading from The Hammer Blow: how 10 women disarmed a warplane (published by Peace News in January)
- Milan Rai, PN editor and author of Tactical Trident: The Rifkind Doctrine and the Third World
- Clare Bonetree, a trainer with Turning the Tide.