Features in issue 2592-2593

This is not about Islam

by Milan Rai

Religious belief was not the driver for Brussels, or Paris, or London

As they destroy

by Andrea Needham

An environmental campaigner reflects

Brexit and movements for peace and justice

by Natalie Shanklin

How will the outcome of the EU referendum affect war and peace issues?

Peace News Summer Camp: 28 July - 1 August

by Summer Camp folk

Relax, reflect, reconnect, re-energise!


by Peter Salmon

The Pitchford Inquiry into police infiltration gathers steam

Undercovers on the run

by Peter Salmon

Key highlights of the last four months

Turning a teenage casualty into a war hero

by Rupert Gude

100 years on from the battle of Jutland, exposing war propaganda

Taking my first steps into resistance

by Andrea Needham

An excerpt from a brilliant new direct action memoir

Echo Hall

by Virginia Moffatt

New novel poses question: 'is conflict always inevitable?'

The militarisation of the EU

by Chris Venables

Chris Venables details militarism's corruption of the European project