Issue: 2563

November 2013


Top Stories

Chelsea Manning is my hero

by Mika Lorensa

Militarism, trans* liberation and our movements

The Waddington Six take the stand for law and order

by Lucca Rossi, Jessica Corbett

Heavy-hearted judge imposes minimum sentence on anti-drone activists

PN co-editors Milan Rai and Emily Johns examine some of the precedents for the Campaign Nonviolence initiative


Rhymney disaster

by Kelvin Mason

New open-cast coal mine planned

Resisting deportation

by David Polden

San Francisco activists block buses

Welsh dragons blockade Burghfield!

by Patricia Richards

Activists from Wales and Bristol bring 'Mad Trident Tea-Party' to Aldermaston

No Dash for Gas sentences quashed

by David Polden

Climate change activists have sentences reduced

Arms traders flee activists

by Jessica Corbett

Protest forces death merchants into hiding


No More Militarisation!

by Owen Everett

Owen Evertt reports on Forces Watch's recent conference

Benefit gig

by PN

100 attend People Power celebration

What next for Afghanistan

by Adrian Hopkins

Adrian Hopkins reports on Voices for Creative Nonviolence UK's recent conference

Obama told he 'fuels terror'

by Lucca Rossi, Jessica Corbett

Malala Yousafzai takes US President to task over drone strikes

Half a million dead Iraqis

by Gabriel Carlyle

New survey tallies war-related deaths


Taking the toys from the boys

by Ian Pritchard

How the government could create more and better jobs

If you see me in the street

by Caitlin Hayward-Tapp

Feminst poetry by Caitlin Hayward-Tapp

Yarn bombing

by PN

Where will they strike next?

Squaring up

by George Lakey

Re-writing an attacker’s script — George Lakey suggests ways of getting in practice to defuse violent situations

Camouflage Kids

by Forces Watch

How the military affects young people's lives


30 years ago: Actions against cruise

by Albert Beale

Peace News gave wide coverage and support to the campaigning at Greenham Common which aimed to stop the new cruise missiles being deployed there; but it then became apparent that that phase of the campaign was not going to succeed.

Soldiers in hell

by Jeff Cloves

Growth doesn't stop because it's winter, argues Jeff Cloves

Diary: Post-action blues

by Clare Cochrane

Clare Cochrane ruminates on the emotional ups and downs of campaigning

Cartoons etc

Roouminations ... by Donald Rooum

Almost ... by SEG

Jill's Defence Weekly by Jill Gibbon