CO Day

News in Brief

This year International Conscientious Objectors’ Day commemoration was again online on 15 May, writes Claire Poyner.

That is, apart from a ‘live from Tavistock Square’ section. Actor Michael Mears gave an in-between-showers speech. He spoke of his family, parents and grandparents who went to war, and how he came to oppose war himself.

Online, Israeli conscientious objector Atalya Ben-Abba spoke movingly of how she refused to kill and was imprisoned for her beliefs.

Natalia García Cortés from War Resisters’ International in Colombia gave an update of the situation there. Singers Penny Stone and Sue Gilmurray performed specially-written songs.

We also ‘visited’ CO Day ceremonies around the country, including Edinburgh and Brighton.

As in previous years, a list of COs past and present, was read out and a minute’s silence from Tavistock Square was observed.

The event was introduced by John Cooper of Fellowship of Reconciliation, and was put together by volunteers from many groups. You can watch the event at: