Issue: 2665

April - May 2023


Top Stories

How can we have a nonviolent revolution?

by Milan Rai

Mass non-cooperation alone is not enough

Voices from Iraq

by Milan Rai

PN marked the 20th anniversary of the invasion by talking to two Iraqi activists about the last 20 years, including the massive, nonviolent Tishreen uprising of 2019


Rogue heroes?

by Forces Watch

A counter-history of the SAS

PN's editor responds to Labour's former Shadow Chancellor


Let’s stop DSEI!

by Lyn Bliss

Europe's biggest arms fair is coming

Any spare beds in London?

by PN staff

'Anti-militarist Roots' conference seeks help with accommodation

The Public Order bill is a human rights disaster

by PN staff

‘Staggering escalation of the government’s clampdown on protest’ looks set to become law

Two Irish peace activists acquitted of criminal damage to a US warplane


Jury accepts that campaigners had 'lawful excuse'  for graffiti

Strikes and demos update

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Rebecca Elson-Watkins surveys recent actions

Ukraine needs diplomacy not DU

by PN staff

Britain to send Ukraine depleted uranium weapons along with Challenger tanks


27 climate acquittals, so many court cases

by David Polden

From Just Stop Oil to Palestine Action ...

A statue of Brian Haw?

by David Polden

Sculptor and actor launch campaign

Young Afghan activists

by Kathy Kelly

Internationals assist over 40 activists

Will Yemen benefit from Saudi-Iranian thaw?

by Milan Rai

Country experiencing fragile semi-peace as Oxfam warns of danger of economic collapse

A nuclear ‘All START’?

by PN staff

Proposal for new disarmament treaty

BLMUK grants

by PN staff

Over £560,000 given to Black-led organisations, so far

Free Assange!

by Roy St Pierre

Graffiti from Spain

Bruce's tree

by PN staff

Corbyn and CND plant memorial to much-loved campaigner

How do you see security?

by PN staff

Call-out for photos and conversations


Ukraine one year on: time to negotiate peace

by Milan Rai

Milan Rai surveys some important facts about possibilities for ending the Ukraine War that are often swept under the carpet

Young people want a seat at the TPNW table – if necessary, we’ll make one ourselves

by Christina Kelly

Christina Kelly reports on the young people pushing for nuclear disarmament

‘We want to overthrow the regime.’

by Mondalawy

Photo from Mondalawy

The Good Friday Agreement – 25 years on

by Robin Percival

The politics of Northern Ireland today 

I can’t breathe


Race, death and British policing


Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Our columnist tries walking an imaginary mile in a migrant's shoes

What else

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

No-one is talking about the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on disabled people, says Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Diary: 'This month there are just too many exciting things to tell you'

by Cath

Our Bentley-based cooperator and her fellow communards buy a skate park

Beyond the barricades

by Ambrose Musiyiwa

Ambrose Musiyiwa interviews independent publisher Cherry Potts

Radical music: 'Bread and Roses'

by Penny Stone

'Hearts starve as well as bodies'

Cartoons etc

Telford by Tony Telford

Banner Hang by Lotte Shankland