As a relatively new subscriber to Peace News, it is with great sadness that I witness an underlying contempt for the founders of Extinction Rebellion and its offshoots, that I find palpable in many articles; it belies the belief that there is more that unites us than divides us as human beings (a revelation that is equally painful).
The words ‘pettiness’ and ‘humility’ come to mind, but in what order I know not for the future is with the young in whose numbers I don’t count.
I do know that provoking new ideas amongst the dogmatic causes consternation and reaction; so the ‘Left’ unsettles the ‘Right’, the ‘Freethinker’ upsets the ‘Conformist’.
Ever has it been and always should it be. There is no guarantee of remaining in a comfort zone of existence; such is evolution if another, better world is to be possible.
Yours in peace,
Thank you, Malcolm. I don’t think our problem in the past has been with XR’s new ideas but with the climate science exaggerations and the faulty strategy that often came along with them. – ed