On common ground

IssueJune 2015 - July 2015
John Hegley, poet, performer
Feature by PN
Robb Johnson, singer, song writer

The big news is that our entertainment at this year’s Peace News Summer Camp features not one but two amazing performers. Robb Johnson, the brilliant radical folk singer-songwriter whose gig was a highlight, if not the highlight, of last year’s camp; and the sensational John Hegley, one of Britain’s most innovative and popular comic poets and songwriters.

Peace News Summer Camp gives grassroots activists a chance to come together and recharge our batteries while sharing experiences, ideas and strategies – in a family-friendly, renewably-powered environment.

Our theme this summer is ‘On common ground – bringing our movements together’. The organising group is focusing on two movements in particular, with the Trident replacement decision coming up in 2016 and climate negotiations coming to a head in Paris this December.

The biggest and most exciting component of the camp will be a whole-camp, whole-day workshop called ‘Climate not Trident – strategies for the radical climate and the radical peace movements’. This event (on Saturday 1 August) will be inspired by the whole-camp, whole-day workshop on ‘Making nonviolent revolution’ run by George Lakey and Kathryn Tulip in 2012.

“Being here has been like a fortnight in the Maldives – spiritually!”

That nonviolent revolution session was held at the beautiful Crabapple Community near Shrewsbury which we are returning to this year. It’s one of the best-loved venues we’ve been in, with gorgeous views, great walks, and very fine compost toilets.

We will have workshops and discussions, practical skills sessions, delicious vegan food cooked by Veggies, films, fun and DIY entertainment, a bar, a campfire, and activities and facilities for children.


The camp costs £20–£100 (depending on income) for over-14s. You can pay by cheque, online or by phone (details below).

Food (three meals a day and drinks) costs £6–£12 a day for over-14s, depending on income. (Food for under-14s is cooked and served in the Children’s Space – the cost is negotiated with parents.) This year, we are only selling food tickets at the camp itself. (You can buy tickets for the whole camp or for individual meals, or you can self-cater.)

Workshops include:

  • Climate not Trident – Strategies for the Radical Climate and the Radical Peace Movements
  • Songs of the Spanish Revolution Pilar Lopez
  • Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army training
  • Towards Collective Liberation – An Anti-oppression Workshop
  • Challenging Islamophobia after the Paris Attacks
  • Chomsky and Revolution
  • Accountancy for Anarchists
  • Radical Creativity – Creative Practitioners for m Social Change
  • Raise your Rebel Voice in Song
  • Zylum – New Online Tools for Campaigners
  • Make Cake Not War
  • Drawing with Emily
  • Better Meetings through Fantastic Facilitation
  • Nonviolent Direct Action for Beginners
  • Money, Money, Money – How to Apply for Grants
  • Children in Charge – Libertarian Education Today
  • In It to Win It – Strategy for Activists
  • Fine-Tuning Your Tweets – Social Media