To be perfectly honest I have been disappointed with PN.
There is just not enough NEWS and far too many long speculative articles repeating the same stuff. Even the replies to letters are too long.
As for page after page, issue after issue, on George Lakey — a good chap but...?! (Agree with your correspondent.)
I am 71-years-old and have been an activist and reading PN most of this time. I want to know what's going on, where and who etc. I need punchy information updates, pictures etc I can share with others less convinced.... I don't think they read all this Lakey stuff, good though I am sure it is.
I may be a bit hard so I will consider my position. It's just my view, so don't let it get to you.
Just got out an old PN from 1960 — what a contrast!
Thanks, Tony. We will reply, briefly, next issue! - eds