RSVP: your invite to 30 days of action at Faslane

IssueMarch 2012
News by Faslane Peace Camp

Faslane Peace Campers are announcing 30 Days of Nonviolent Direct Action against nuclear weapons at the Faslane naval base to mark the 30th birthday of the peace camp and the ongoing travesty of nuclear weapons. The actions will commence on Saturday 9 June 2012 and continue until 9 July.

Ready for action!

Over the last year a small group of us have been endeavouring to make the peace camp a healthy and happy place to facilitate direct action against Trident We are ready for action and are now inviting local, national and international groups to take responsibility for a day of antinuclear activities.

Protests, musical demonstrations, trespasses, blockades, die-ins and general mischievous behaviour are welcome.

With Scotland’s potential independence could come an end to nuclear weapons in Scotland.

This will mean their relocation elsewhere at unprecedented cost in a time of ‘austerity’.

Now is the time to be delivering a renewed and reinvigorated anti-nuclear message to the UK government. Not only do we want them out of Scotland but we want an end to the UK nuclear weapons system too.

We would like to invite any helpers throughout the month and before as there will be lots to be done during the 30 Days campaign and the time leading up to it.

Enthusiastic helpers and donations will be welcomed with open arms, no activist experience necessary! Communal (vegan) meals will be provided during the 30 Day action period and there will be plenty of sleeping and camping spaces.


We have running water, the internet, solar panels and a bicycle generator. People living at the camp contribute £5 per week for vegan food for all meals so those wishing to come for a longer period than the 30 Days campaign will be included in this. People who wish to be an active part of the community but really cannot afford this £5 are also welcome!

Can’t wait ’til June?

If you can’t wait ’til June, every Wednesday from 4pm till 5pm a small group of peace campers, CNDers and our veteran peace activist friends brave the elements at the North Gate of Faslane Naval Base.

There is also a gardening week on 17-18 March, when we will prepare the ground for herbs and vegetables. Come and join us! Musical instruments are welcome and hippy tea is served to warm cold hands!


See more of: Scotland