A new design!
We’re beginning 2012 with a new look to Peace News. We hope you like it. The changes we are making (they will continue over the next couple of issues) are the product of a lot of discussion and thought within PN – we’d very much like your feedback on how it is developing.
All the staff had agreed it was time for a change, and we’re delighted to be able to bring something fresh to the history of Peace News as we celebrate its 75 years of resistance to war and injustice.
The previous design of PN goes back over 15 years to November 1996 (PN 2407), when the paper was part of War Resisters’ International. Since then we’ve been a quarterly magazine and back to being a monthly newspaper, but all united by the same look and feel.
We are very grateful to our designer Erica Smith of Wordsmith (who also designed the wonderful Rebellious Media Conference programme) for all her detailed hard work.
We’re also grateful to Peter Brawne and Richard Schofield, who generously contributed the new masthead that sits on the top of the front page (of both the paper and the website), and who led us through a thought-provoking review of the paper.
A new web-site!
The new Peace News website will be up and running on 1 February.
First planned 18 months ago, building our new online system has been a substantial piece of work – a collaboration between ourselves and WebRoot, an US-based activist-run web solutions company.
The website incorporates the new Peace News logo and clean look that this issue of PN is launching.
As well as all content from the latest issue, the site will incorporate the Peace News blog (URL below) for reports and analysis between issues. It will also have details of forthcoming PN events, tools and resources, and a new webshop. The site will include a large searchable archive of PN articles from the last 10 years so you can browse and read to your heart’s content!
The site will also integrate a new PN membership and events database.
For readers, renewing your subs and signing on to Peace News events will be easier – there will be more about creating your account in the next issue.
For us, our administrative burden will be lightened. A worthwhile investment!
Many thanks to those of you who contributed towards the new database in the 2010 appeal. And huge thanks to Jessica and Brian of WebRoot and Emma Sangster who has been managing the project for PN.
The website will launch on 1 February. Over the following weeks we will be ironing out glitches and filling in remaining gaps so please be patient… but please do start exploring the new site. We would love to get your feedback. There is an email form on the site for comments.