Issue: 2564-2565

December 2013


Top Stories

Support PN's new First World War project on Kickstarter

by PN

Pledge a donation to support PN's visual celebration of the people and movements that opposed the First World War, featuring the distinctive graphic art of Emily Johns.


Criminalising being ‘annoying’

by David Polden

New Anti-Social Behiaviour, Crime and Policing Bill is 'most significant threat to lawful assembly and protest in modern history'.

US anti-drones protesters acquitted!

by PN staff

At the end of October, five Christian peace activists were acquitted of ‘disorderly conduct’ at a trial in Dewitt, New York state, USA.

Kafka in droneland

by Gabriel Carlyle

The UK information tribunal has ruled that the government is entitled to continue witholding even the most basic information about Britain’s use of drones in Afghanistan on ‘security’ grounds.

Veterans for Peace UK demonstrate at the Cenotaph

by Ben Griffin

Ben Griffin from Veterans for Peace UK on taking the message to the Cenotaph

features and comment

Joining forces 

by Will Simpson

Revolution is still unfolding

Freedom school

by Lia Plume

Learning from 20 years of an armed but not-violent Mexican insurgency

Alcoholic and activist

by PN

Three ex-drinkers share their experience, strength and hope

Green shoots of peace

by Pat Gaffney

Eyewitness account of peace and justice projects inside Israel


White poppies in Aberystwyth

by Patricia Richards

In a respectful, poignant and moving white poppy ceremony in Aberystwyth, about 50 people from the area gathered on Remembrance Sunday to commemorate those who have lost their lives through war or in the preparation for war.

Whatever happened to Turkey’s peace process?

by Emily Johns, Milan Rai

The peace process between the Turkish government and the PKK (Kurdish Workers’ Party) guerrilla movement which was revealed publicly in March seems to have slowed to a glacial pace.

Making peace on the streets

by David Polden

Minds of Peace at work

features and comment

Not everyone welcomed war

by Ann Kramer

The History Column

Joe Sacco: The Great War: July 1, 1916

by Emily Johns

Jonathan Cape, 2013, 56pp, £20

Cartoons etc

Rooum by Donald Rooum

Telford by Tony Telford


Jill's Defence Weekly by Jill Gibbon