Features in issue 2574-2575

The Women's Peace Crusade, 1916 - 1918

by Emily Johns, Gabriel Carlyle

Another story-poster from PN's 'The World is My Country' project

YES or NO, Trident must go

by David MacKenzie

David Mackenzie reflects on the peace movement after the Scottish referendum

Eight things everyone should know about the Iraq crisis

by Ian Sinclair

Ian Sinclair looks beyond the "babbling brook of [mainstream media] bullshit" about the Iraq crisis.

An African gathering of war resisters

by Hannah Brock

Hannah Brock reports on War Resisters International's conference in South Africa

Peace Prisoners Day

by PN staff

Write to a peace prisoner!

A wealth of wonderful workshops

by Milan Rai

The sixth glorious year of PN Summer Camp

Unlocking Lovelock?

by Gabriel Carlyle

Gabriel Carlyle casts a sceptical eye over James Lovelock's much-vaunted ideas and independence at the Science Museum

Moving from arms to renewables

by Sarah Waldron

Sarah Waldron makes the argument for conversion

Towards a new economy

by Milan Rai

Green jobs, anyone?

Control Freaks

by David Gee

In this extract from his forthcoming book, 'Spectacle, Reality, Resistance: Confronting a culture of militarism', David Gee explores how contemporary militarism attempts to control public opinion, passing over its horrific reality.