Issue: 2558

June 2013


Top Stories

‘He gave his life for the land’

by Jessica Davies

Assassination of indigenous activist Juan Vázquez Guzmán in Mexico

Defying without defiance

by George Lakey

Morning-after reflections on a Quaker action against mountaintop removal

Nonviolent resistence in Palestine


Bombmakers blockaded

by David Polden

On 7 May, eight protesters from Christian groups blockaded the gate to Burghfield, the factory near Aldermaston where Trident nuclear warheads are finally assembled.

‘Thomas, we love you!’

by Gabriel Carlyle

German activists up the anti

War is not a video game!

by Gabriel Carlyle

A report from the ‘Ground the Drones’ march


Faim pour la paix – à côté de la Tour Eiffel

by Marc Morgan

British participants invited to join a fast for Hiroshima – in Paris

From the heart of the Arab Spring

by Milan Rai

Peace News Summer Camp is ‘taking a lead from the Global South’

Transform Now Plowshares three: put US nuclearism on trial

by TNP Support Group

Breach of security focuses attention on Y-12 military uranium enrichment plant



by PN

White flowers lie on the Conscientious Objectors Memorial Stone in Tavistock Square, London, during a ceremony on International Conscientious Objectors Day, 15 May.

Faslane Peace Camp rises once again

by The Campers

After a recent call out to activists across the country, Faslane Peace Camp hosted a series of meetings/gatherings to see what could be done to save the camp from closing due to low numbers of residents willing to live on the site (see PN 2557).


40 years ago: Turn up, chain-in, sit-down!

by Albert Beale

London Greenpeace–established by people around Peace News, and separate from and pre-dating the bigger and more corporate Greenpeace organisation – had organised a walk from London to Paris in opposition to French nuclear tests. The PN staffer who was there reported...

Bush fires

by Jeff Cloves

Cartoons etc

Telford by Tony Telford

Jill's Defence Weekly by Jill Gibbon