Comments in issue 2600 - 2601

Chomsky warns of climate emergency

by Gabriel Carlyle

Global South takes lead on zero-carbon future as climate denier elected US president

CAAT will prove Britain has acted illegally in arming the Saudi assault on Yemen

by Andrew Smith

High Court to scrutinise UK arms exports

Back to Drax

by Claire Robertson

Biofuels challenged in North Yorks

Humbled in love

by David Polden

Peace activists walk free after actions in Australia and the US.

Migrant deaths increase as EU focuses on border control

by Milan Rai

Death-rate has tripled says UN


by Symon Hill

Alternative remembrance day events held around UK

Sisters of mercy

by David Polden

Women vow to continue sailing to Gaza after ship seized

The law

by David Polden

Campaigners challenge nukes in court

‘War is Peace’

by Lotte Reimer

Welsh event explores Orwellian present

Cranes fly from Aberystwyth to Hiroshima

by PN

Welsh peace activist visits Japan