Comments in issue 2570-2571

Remembering conscientious objectors, 100 years on

by PN

On International Conscientious Objectors Day

Any more arms fairs? Ding ding

by PN

At the London Transport Museum

A surge of outrage against US drone wars

by David Polden

43 protesters arrested at spy HQ and air force bases in the US

Megaphone Mitch demystified

by Johanna Deeksha

Peace News investigates a London activist on whom suspicions have been cast....

Nant Llesg opencast coalmine protest

by PN

'Death of the valley'

Hedd Wyn: 1887-1917

by Ray Davies

In this centenary year of World War, everyone seems to be looking for stories from that conflict. One that encompasses the tragedy is the story of the Welsh poet Hedd Wyn.

Celebrate Howard

by Milan Rai

On 17 May, 100 friends and colleagues of the British pacifist author and activist Howard Clark gathered at a ceremony organised by Peace News Trustees in Conway Hall, London.