Issue: 2508

April 2009


By Milan Rai, The Editors


By PN staff

In 2008, a small group of women in Kandahar, Afghanistan, decided to gather in a public square to pray for peace with justice in Afghanistan on International Women's Day.

Climate Rush is a new campaign inspired by the actions of the Suffragettes 100 years ago, who showed that peaceful civil disobedience could inspire positive change.

By Maya Evans

This content has been removed from the website on request of the author.

By Jeff Cloves

My last column was in praise of our dear departed peace poet and friend, Adrian Mitchell.

By Emily Johns, Milan Rai

Peace News invites local and national peace groups in Wales, Scotland and England to join us in celebrating “Unarmed Forces Day” on 27 June, when the Ministry of Defence intends to celebrate “Armed Forces Day” (with a service and a fly-pa

By Roger Stephenson

A new exhibition documents the Quaker struggle for peace

By Kathy Laluk

Peace News meets Iraqi feminist Hana Ibrahim

By Gabriel Carlyle

All the news that’s fit to print (or pretty nearly ignore if you’re the mainstream media).

Obama and Brown ignore consortium proposal that could solve Iran crisis

By Milan Rai

Rajendra Pachauri, head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), remarked of US president Barack Obama on 11 March: “He is not going to say by 2020 I’m going to reduce emissions by 30%.

By Jenny Linnell

In the wake of so much loss, grief and destruction, it is sometimes difficult to imagine how Gaza will ever recover.

By Sarah Young

More news on the disruption of the Israeli Jerusalem Quartet’s concert at the 2008 Edinburgh Festival (see PN 2502).

By Joseph Ritchie

Following the inaugaral gathering last November , a second, smaller, Anti-Militarist gathering was hosted in Edinburgh on 1 March.

By Declan McCormick

 “We were not militant people – just little people who refused to be little anymore. We stood up for what we believe in and we are all proud of that.” David Taylor, workers occupation, Dundee

By Kelvin Mason

On Saturday 14 March, I woke early and was up and about with an uncharacteristic spring in my step. I can hardly remember such a joyful start to a day.