Features in issue 2614 - 2615

Exploring Class: a training of trainers weekend with Betsy Leondar-Wright

by PN

Upcoming PN workshop: Thursday 14 – Sunday 17 June 2018

The actual issue

by Charlie Kiss

A trans man responds to our coverage of the 2017 London Anarchist Bookfair

Is there an opportunity to move towards a united Ireland?

by Robin Percival

Robin Percival finds Northern Ireland's non-Unionist parties united by a new civil rights agenda

It’s time for Sanctuary Everywhere

by Ann van Staveren, Tim Gee

Quakers commit to welcoming migrants

Obituary: Gene Sharp: 21 January 1928 – 28 January 2018

by George Lakey

The lonely scholar who became a nonviolent warrior

Hard-won working-class confidence

by Holly-Rae Smith, Milan Rai

Peace News interviews a working-class woman about the difference CAAT’s paid internship made to her life

A Beautiful Ghetto

by Devin Allen

Photographer Devin Allen aims to inspire love, respect & community action

Arrest prince Mohammed bin Salman for Saudi war crimes

by PN staff

Canada and Germany halt arms sales to Saudi as Yemen humanitarian crisis grows

A Oes Heddwch? Working for peace in Wales – yesterday and today

by Jane Harries

Jane Harries surveys Wales' 'hidden histories'

Campaigners gather to strengthen their online campaigning skills

by Benjamin

Benjamin reports on PN's digital tools dayschool