Issue: 2474

June 2006


By Ippy D

By Milan Rai


By Anna-Linnea Rundberg

Between 18 and 21 May, the fifth annual Trident Ploughshares peace camp was set up in a public park directly opposite Devonport dockyard in Plymouth.

By Emma Sangster, Rikki Blue

On 8 May, Brian Haw's exemption from the ban on unauthorised protest under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (SOCPA) came to an end.

By PN staff

Just before 3am on Tuesday 23 May, around 50 police swooped on Brian Haw and his supporters in Parliament Square. Their instructions were to remove most of the anti-war display.

By Brian Bunyan

Recent weeks have seen two victories that should roll back years of deteriorating standards and ensure a healthy food environment for children across the country.

Peace activists with the INNATE network held a picket of a British army recruitment day at the Kinnegar base, Holywood, County Down on 21 May.

By Albert Beale, Ippy

As reported in last month's PN, `twas the season for AGM-related protests. Here's a quick roundup of protest at three of the worst companies' annual junkets:

By Wilson David

Wilson David, who visited London in May, is a member of the Council of the Peace Community of San Jose' de Apartado', in Uraba, Colombia. Founded by displaced people, the Community itself was displaced last year when the government installed a police post inside Community grounds - against the Community's wishes and its internal rules that prohibit the carrying of weapons or cooperation with any armed actor.

By The Mole

Governmental attempts to soften up public opinion for an announcement of more nuclear power stations have their parallel in the nuclear industry itself.

Block the Builders returned to AWE Aldermaston on 15 May for the now-monthly blockade in protest against the development of new nuclear weapons facilities at the warhead factory.

By Robert Bain

In May, the High Court granted the people of the Chagos islands the right to return to the land Britain stole from them. The islanders are now waiting to see whether the government will honour this decision or revert to the dirty tricks that have been used against them for four decades. Robert Bain reports.

By Bill Hetherington

This June Peace News has been publishing for seventy years. To mark this historic occasion, Bill Hetherington takes a trip down memory lane.

By Howard Clark

Blair's nuclear madness - is he cracking up or melting down? - prompts Howard Clark to look back to the 1970s anti-nuclear movement and the role PN played in supporting it.

A brief chronology of the key moments in the history of Peace News

By Liz Norman

It's been a rough few weeks for the Home Office. The furore over foreign criminals, followed by a row over the monitoring of newly released criminals on probation, a defeat over abuse of power in the Afghan hijackers case, and then, to cap it all, an ill judged remark over the number of illegal immigrants in Britain sparks a spat over immigration. Liz Norman reflects on how this catalogue of woes is being used to reinforce the ID card debate.

By Graham Puxon

The past twelve months have seen Travellers turfed off their own land, and their homes destroyed, by zealous bailiffs. Against a backdrop of local hostility and gains for the BNP in last month's local elections, Grattan Puxon reflects on the impact of the rise of the right on his community.