- The San José de Apartadó Peace Community See page 23.
- The “Nunca Más” (“Never again”) Project This group works in the area of recovering historical truths regarding national human rights violations.
- The Women's Organisation of the People (OFP)See page 28.
- The Committee for Solidarity with Political Prisoners (CSPP) This committee, based in Medellín and Bogotá and in the Chocó and Urabá areas, provides legal advice and defence work for prisoners belonging to social organisations or members of guerrilla organisations. It promotes human rights promotion and protection.
- The Life, Justice and Peace Commission (Diocese of Apartadó) This group represents displaced populations and works for their advancement.
- The People's Institute of Training (“Capacitación” - IPC) http://www.corporacionpp.org.co/ This group, based in Medellín, carries out investigation, training and documentation on human rights, development, peace and conflict in the department of Antioquia.
- The Association for the Relatives of the Detained-Disappeared (ASFADDES) http://www.asfaddes.org/ Asfaddes is a human rights group working with the relatives of people who have disappeared and been murdered as part of repression. As well as report events and monitoring legal cases, they provide human rights education. ASFADDES has recently denounced the continuing harassment of attorney Daniel Prado working with them on various cases of forced disappearance and has suffered threats. This is an example of the intimidation ASFADDES has suffered at their national office in Bogotá, and at their regional offices in other parts of the country.
- The Regional Committee for the Defence of Human Rights This organisation (CREDHOS) acts in promoting and protecting human rights on a regional level.
- The San Pablo, Cantagallo, Puerto Wilches and Yondó Human Rights Committees Providing human rights promotion and protection at the level of each municipality, they co-ordinate their work with CREDHOS.
- Lawyers' Collective “José Alvear Restrepo” As well as providing legal advice to people or organisations affected by repression, lawyers in this Collective are involved in bringing to trial cases that implicate army officials in massacres, assassinations and other serious human rights violations.
Amnesty International has expressed concern for their safety following the public distribution of a poster calling for the Collective's “institutional annihilation”. This poster accused the association of being the judicial arm of the ELN guerrillas. Such accusations are usually followed by abductions, murders or torture.
In recent months, several members of the Collective have reportedly been kept under surveillance and have received anonymous phone calls. Many human rights lawyers have been killed in Colombia, and others have been forced into exile in fear for their lives.
- The Association for Alternative Social Advancement “Minga” http://www.mingaong.com.co/ This group works in the area of human rights promotion and protection. It provides legal advice to people or organisations affected by repression. It also provides human rights education and assistance to displaced people.
- The Intercongregational Commission of Justice and Peace This church group provides human rights education and assistance to displaced people.
- Corporación Jurídica Libertad (CJL) This is a human rights organisation dedicated to the legal defence of people who are either persecuted because of their political opposition or because of their participation in popular organisations.
- Centre for Investigation and Popular Education (CINEP) http://www.cinep.org.co/ This group works with displaced people, running workshops on people's education and human rights, and investigating the social conflict, violence and internal displacement.
Topics: Human rights, International solidarity