PN's future: join the conversation!

IssueJune - July 2024
Feature by PN staff

Peace News is in a period of change. We’re dreaming big ambitious dreams as to how PN can make a bigger contribution to the peace movement and to other nonviolent grassroots movements for social change. That might still be as a radical media project; it might conceivably be something even better.

If you have a wild idea, a sensible idea, a cheap-to-put-into-practice idea, or a would-need-a-billionaire-to-fund-it idea, please do add your thoughts to the mix – for consideration by the Peace News board and staff – by 30 June.

It doesn’t need to be fully thought-out or costed in detail, but there are some questions that you are invited to answer, in whatever detail suits you, if you have an idea that you’d like to put on the table:

  • What are the main things we would do, if we chose this option?
  • What are the main need(s) the project is serving?;
  • What is the hole that this project is filling? (Are we sure somebody else isn’t already doing this? How much would we be adding?)
  • How would we define the ‘success’ of this project?
  • What are some of the main pros and cons of adopting this option?
  • How does what is happening in the world, right now and over the next five years or so, support or work against the success of this project?
  • Which kind(s) of people is the project focused on/prioritising?
  • Which organised group(s) could we partner with to help deliver this project?
  • What skills/qualities/experience will be needed to deliver this project?
  • What seems to you to be the minimum budget needed to deliver this project?

Please write to us by 30 June by post (PN, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DY) or by email:

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