by Rachel Julian
Exploring the relationship between peace studies and the peace movement: some thoughts to be discussed at PN Summer Camp
by Douglas P Fry
Powerful findings from several decades of Peace Anthropology
by Gabriel Carlyle
Weapons, but no war, at the Natural History Museum's pre-history exhibition
by PN staff
Causes and codicils
by Milan Rai
Milan Rai recovers the hidden background to the current crisis
First World War centenary key theme at this year's Camp
Training for Change’s powerful three-week ‘Super-T’ training for trainers
by Paul Ingram
Exploring the reasoning behind the Trident Commission, and the benefits of the commission’s report
by Sue Smith, Denise Drake
An ongoing Quaker initiative to trace the roots of activist nonviolence training in the UK
by Emily Johns, Gabriel Carlyle
Another story-poster from PN's 'The World is My Country' project