Gaza solidarity

1 June 2024Feature

Pro-Palestine activists in Scotland have taken a stand outside Holyrood

Over 15 Gaza solidarity camps (or ‘encampments’) have sprung up around the UK, following the example of those at more than 140 universities in the US which have often been met with police violence and mass arrests. Here in the UK, after occupations of two Bristol university buildings were forced to end in late March and early April (because of the threat of legal action), students began an encampment on 1 May. The focus, as elsewhere, is on getting institutions to break ties with companies…

1 June 2024News

Christian peace activists found guility over Gaza protest

On 25 April, Chris Cole and Virginia Moffat went on trial at City of London magistrates court as a result of their action on 29 December at Downing Street protesting against the UK government for being ‘complicit with this slaughter’ in Gaza (PN 2670). They had poured red poster paint on the gates and made bloody handprints, and read the names of children killed by Israel and Hamas.

The two Christian peace activists were found guilty of criminal damage despite making legal as…

1 June 2024News

Encampments at over 130 US universities and beyond

Student activism on Gaza has transformed the debate in the US and has grown enormously in the UK.

The first ‘Gaza Solidarity Encampment’, or tent occupation, was at Columbia university in New York City on 17 April.

It lasted until 4 May, when police cleared tents off the campus lawn for the second time, arresting dozens of people.

The protest was organised by a coalition of 116 student groups: ‘Columbia University Apartheid Divest’. Their main demand was that the…

1 June 2024News

'The most moving speech I have ever heard in this courtroom'

Owain Parry, Thomas Bell and Mark Redfern carried out a 14-hour rooftop occupation of the Solvay factory in Wrexham, Wales, in November 2021 (the action was co-ordinated by Palestine Action). They accused Solvay of manufacturing components for the Israeli military.

This was admitted by the company at the recent five-day trial of the Solvay Three at Caernarfon crown court. The firm said that it supplied components for Israeli F-35 fighter jets.

The three members of the Welsh…

1 June 2024News

Anti-war badges prove popular at demos

PN has raised £13,400 for Medical Aid for Palestinians, by giving away badges for a donation, mostly at the national Gaza marches in London – including on 30 March, 27 April and 18 May.

We’ve added two more designs, ‘Stop Arming Israel’ and ‘Stop Starving Gaza’, available along with the original ‘Ceasefire Now’ badge on the PN website.


1 June 2024News

Peace group pays for bus stop ads

International peace group World Beyond War rented eight bus stop advert slots around the White House in Washington DC (6 May – 5 June), to present this message. It took a lot of fundraising and a lot of pressure on companies to allow ‘political’ advertising.

1 June 2024News

Doesn’t support an immediate permanent ceasefire? Don’t vote for them

In the general election campaign, every candidate for the Westminster parliament must be told that if they do not call for an immediate, permanent, ceasefire in Gaza, they will not receive your vote.

Out of all the crises and pressing issues in the world, the slaughter in Gaza must be the most urgent question of the British general election.

Both the Conservatives and Labour pretend to be calling for a ceasefire, but all they mean by that is a few weeks’ pause to get…

26 April 2024Blog

Chris Cole and Virigina Moffatt report on their trial

On 25 April our trial for Criminal Damage took place following our arrest on 29 December at Downing Street to protest the UK government’s complicity in the genocide in Gaza. We had poured red poster paint on the gates, and made bloody handprints, held placards and read the names of children killed by Israel and Hamas.

The evening before our trial we held a gathering at the wonderful London Catholic Worker  where we spoke about our…

6 April 2024Blog

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is ready to try to break the siege on Gaza.

4 April: The international Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) will sail in mid April with multiple vessels, carrying 5,500 tons of humanitarian aid and hundreds of international human rights observers to challenge the ongoing illegal Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.

This is an emergency mission as the situation in Gaza is dire, with famine setting in in northern Gaza, and catastrophic hunger present throughout the Gaza Strip as the result of a deliberate policy by the Israeli…

5 April 2024Blog

In February, we reported on an action by longtime peace activist Rosy Bremer, who painted a message on the outside of Portsmouth naval base: 'Love Rafah, Love Gaza, Love Peace'. Rosy has written to us that she was visited by two police officers in March, a PC and a WPC: 'They had come to tell me the Inspector had decided to offer me community resolution, instead of making me pay £280 to clean the naval base walls. They said if I wrote to the base commander and said sorry, that would draw a line under the matter.' Below is the message that Rosy wrote in response. The original 'Love Rafah, Love Gaza, Love Peace' message was still on the wall of the base as of 5 April.

Sorry For The People Not The Wall
I am sorry for
The people
Not the wall;
The wall is solid
And brick
But people
Are soft
And bleed;
Bleed from BAE bombs
And Elbit
They bleed
And they
People get shot
When they
For food.
The wall
Stands silent;
Indifferent to
A defence we
Cannot breach,
Unlike the everyday,…

1 April 2024News in Brief

On 2 March, a ‘No Ceasefire No Vote’ conference in London brought together former Labour party members and other solidarity campaigners, ‘determined to create mass pressure for every candidate to call for a ceasefire and an end to the occupation of Gaza’.

The gathering was supported by independent socialist councillors from Blackburn, Bolton, Bristol, Burnley, Gedling, Hastings, Kirklees, Liverpool, London (Haringey, Kensington & Chelsea, Merton, and Newham), Newcastle, Norwich,…

1 April 2024News in Brief

Two US anti-Gaza War protesters have set themselves on fire.

On 25 February, a serving member of the US air force, a 25-year-old white Christian anarchist, Aaron Bushnell, set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC. He died seven hours later.

Using his smartphone, Bushnell livestreamed his protest on Twitch. He said: ‘I will no longer be complicit in genocide.’ 

After he set himself on fire, he screamed: ‘Free Palestine.’

On 1 December, an…

1 April 2024News

Polls show consistent support for end to Israeli assault

Every poll since the beginning of the massacre in Gaza has found that a majority of people in Britain want in an immediate end to Israel’s assault. 

Even if we subtract those who only support a ‘pause’ in the war, we still find that a majority of British people who have an opinion back an immediate, unconditional, permanent ceasefire, as called for by UN agencies and humanitarian NGOs.

The latest poll, conducted on 12 and 13 February, found that two-thirds of British people (66…

1 April 2024News

Protests, blockades & direct action

Israel’s brutal war and starvation campaign in Gaza has continued to spark protest across the UK, with large marches and blockades and property damage at arms companies.

In the last two months, the major Gaza-related protests in the UK have been the national ‘Stop the Genocide – Ceasefire Now’ demonstrations in London, involving tens of thousands. The march went to Downing Street on 3 February, to the Israeli embassy in West London on 17 February, and to the US embassy in South London…

1 April 2024News

Ceasefire Now! badges latest

PN has raised over £8,200 so far for Medical Aid for Palestinians, by selling ‘Ceasefire Now’ badges for a donation at the national Gaza marches in London this year. All proceeds went to MAP.