Flotilla foiled

IssueAugust - September 2024
News by PN staff

Unfortunately, the ‘Break the Siege’ effort by the Gaza Freedom Flotilla Coalition was scuppered – probably by Israeli pressure.

As we reported last issue, the flotilla’s large cargo ship, the Anadolu (Anatolia), and its passenger ferry, the Akdeniz (the Mediterranean) were unable to sail to Gaza because Guinea Bissau removed its flag from them on 27 April.

No solution could be found to this problem. Hundreds of volunteers were sent home. The 5,000 tons of humanitarian aid the Anadolu was carrying was put onto trucks to be taken to Gaza overland.

However, the flotilla’s other mission, ‘For the Children of Gaza’, is continuing. The Handla is slowly working its way around Europe highlighting the impact of Israel’s blockade and war on children in Gaza.

As we went to press, the Handla was off the coast of Spain, near Cartagena. It is not clear whether the Handla will start for Gaza itself in August, as planned.

Topics: Gaza solidarity