Issue: 2495

March 2008



By Andrea D'Cruz

In the month of the 97 International Women's Day, PN celebrates another year of women around the world rising up and resisting all forms of oppression and injustice:

ACTSA was formed in 1994 as the successor organisation to the Anti Apartheid Movement. Since then ACTSA has been campaigning tirelessly for justice, rights and democracy for the people of southern Africa.


I suppose one of the things is that I don't see myself as “black”. I don't give myself a label. I'm just trying to stay alive, and do the things that can make that happen.

By Maya Evans

This content has been removed from the website on request of the author.

By Jeff Cloves

I heard the words “conscientious objector” on the news the other day and they immediately grabbed my attention.

By Symon Hill

Mike Turner, the head of BAE, is used to getting his own way. He wrote furiously to Gordon Brown last July, ranting against Brown's decision to close the Defence Export Services Organisation (DESO).

By Akadim Chikandamina

With the highest rate of inflation anywhere in the world - currently 100,000% - the Zimbabwean economy has been in free-fall for several years, creating massive social unrest and chronic food shortages.

By Keith Goddard, Jess Orlik

PN How does GALZ struggle for equal rights for LGBT people in Zimbabwe?

By Habiba Issack, Melanie Alfonso

PN interviews Habiba Issack, coordinator of the Habiba International women's rights group in the largely Somali population of Mandera district in north-east Kenya.

By Milan Rai

On 16-17 February, CND celebrated its fiftieth birthday in style; holding a “Global Summit for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World” at London's dramatic glass-walled City Hall (courtesy of mayor Ken Livingstone, who opened the conference).

By Isa Fremeaux, John Jordan

The rain freezes as it hits the windscreen, creating a 1970s dappled frosted glass effect not very useful when you're driving in ice rink conditions on thick snow. It's pitch dark and it would really help to see where we are going.

By Sonia Azad

The following quotes are from an amazing young African children's rights activist Kimmie Weeks, who has inspired and changed many young people's lives in Africa.

By Declan McCormick

This was the key message from a conference on "Trident, Trade Unions & Scotland's Economy" jointly held by the Scottish Trades Unions Congress and Scottish CND.

By Declan McCormick

In Britain and especially in Glas- gow there are fewer and fewer outlets for independent and radi- cal materials.

By Kelvin Mason

On 12 February, Rob Hopkinsm the “co-parent of the Transition Town movement”, spoke in Machynlleth about peak oil and climate change.