September 11, 2001, is a date that is sure to remain as firmly fixed on the mind of the current generation as certainly as 23 November, 1963 or 6 June, 1944 were for earlier ones. Likewise, the events of 9/11 are just as easy to summarise as those earlier, landmark dates. Four planes were hijacked in US airspace: two were flown into the two towers of New York's World Trade Centre, one was flown into the Pentagon; the fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania after a struggle between a number of the passengers and the hijackers.
These would appear to be the unassailable facts, which is where 9/11 Revealed takes up the story. Examining the events of that day as well as those that led up to it, the authors have produced an easy-to-read work that deals with the unanswered questions and alleged inconsistencies in the official story, aka conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories were already circulating before the sun set on the day that the Twin Towers collapsed. The suggestion that they did not fall is, to my knowledge, perhaps the only conspiracy theory that has not yet been proposed about that infamous day.
To be sure, the full story of what happened on September 11 may never be known, but if the public decides that facts are deliberately being hidden, any inconsistencies in the official account are sure to be pounced upon. In this respect, the authors have plenty of material to deal with. That there was at least an embarrassment of mistakes and oversights by the various governmental agencies prior to the attacks seems hard to counter.
According to 9/11 Revealed, these oversights were the least of the problems. The authors do a sufficiently good job of introducing the reader to the many lies, coincidences and still unexplained details surrounding 9 /11 that even the most sceptical reader will come away from this book with new food for thought. Written with the general reader in mind, the text is easy digested and it is further aided by the large number of diagrams and photographs. For anyone keen to pursue the matter beyond this volume, the authors include full references to their research sources as well as those sources used by others they quote.