Despite gaining government consent to go ahead, the German-based chemical company, BASF, has abandoned its plans to carry out GM potato trials in Yorkshire. The decision comes just weeks after protesters staged an organic potato planting action on a site near Hull which was believed to be earmarked for GM.
Following recent media attention over the BAE affair and a significant campaign success when global publishing company, Reed Elsevier, announced it will no longer be organising arms fairs, the Campaign Against Arms Trade is going from strength to strength. Last month, CAAT's annual “Stop the Arms Trade Week of Action” was a huge success, with more individuals and groups taking action than ever before. Go CAAT! At the end of June, the last British troops finally withdrew from the Northern Ireland borderland, ending 37 years of what was the “longest military campaign in the army's history”.
And the really good news... Gordon Brown has appointed (slightly) anti-war ministers, will (probably) repeal the ban on unauthorised demonstrations around Parliament, and will (he says) give Parliament the final say on making war - and of course pressure from the peace and anti-war movements had nothing to do with it!