Issue: 2670

February - March 2024


Top Stories

A futile war

by Milan Rai

US/UK airstrikes on Houthis could condemn Yemen to famine and endless war

‘Israel, stop killing’ says World Court

by Milan Rai

World Court’s legally-binding order to Israel is a historic first, but still has flaws

Why I am an Anarchist

by Benjamin Zephaniah

A 2019 article by Benjamin Zephaniah

In the run-up to this year's general election, the UK peace movement must challenge the deep-seated militarism of the entire British political class


UK surveillance over Gaza

by Chris Cole

Is the UK providing the Israels military with drone-gathered intelligence?

Gaza direct action in UK, Canada and US

by PN staff

Over 2,400 arrests in US and Canada since 11 October

PN raises £3,800 for Gaza

by Gabriel Carlyle

#CeasefireNow badges distributed at peace protests

‘Workers for Palestine’ blockade UK arms factories

by PN staff

New solidarity group takes action in Bournemouth, Brighton, Blackburn and Glasgow

The TPNW moves on with arrests and celebration

by PN staff

US mission to the UN blockaded for two hours over nuke-ban treaty


French voices for peace often suppressed

by Marc Morgan

Meetings banned, peace campaigner faces charges

Stop hostile policing of Gaza marches

by PN staff

Organisers accuse police of 'politicised' approach to ceasefire protests

Twickenham arms fair protest

by PN staff

Spray paint action at International Armoured Vehicles fair

Climate direct action - 16 JSO acquittals

by PN staff

150,000 sign petition opposing deportation of German climate activist

France vs immigrants

by Marc Morgan

Marc Morgan examines Emmanuel Macron's capitulation to the far-right

Sit-in planned for high court

by PN staff

Protest to challenge removal of legal defence used by Palestine campaigners

Ukrainian war formula

by PN staff

Switzerland to host phony ‘Peace Formula’ conference this year

£109.8bn budget for procuring nuclear weapons

by PN staff

Ten-year cost of UK nukes leaps 62%

Palestine Action

by PN staff

Acquittals, victories and more actions


Gaza: the UK role

by PN staff

How one British business could stop Israeli jets bombing Gaza

Putin’s latest peace feelers

by Milan Rai

Russia 'ready to make a deal', reports New York Times

Can XR’s surprise success in the Netherlands be repeated elsewhere?

by Douglas Rogers

From Waging Nonviolence: how European climate movements are copying a major Dutch civil disobedience victory

Violence is never the answer ... Except

by Darren Cullen

Art by Darren Cullen

I Neva Shot de Sheriff

by Benjamin Zephaniah

A poem by Benjamin Zephaniah


Radical Music: 'L'Amitié'

by Penny Stone

'Make us live as brothers and forget that we were foes'

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Does nanny actually know best?

What else

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Which tier of society you experience comes down to one thing in modern Britain, argues Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Diary: 'This is my home!'

by Cath

'The power of personal capital has moved [us] onto step three of our journey of a thousand miles'

In the cracks between

by Virginia Moffatt

Our new arts columnist takes a look at The Crown

Activism &

by PN staff

Alcoholism and Messiahs

Cartoons etc

Banner hang by PN staff

Wall space by Anon