'Brainwashing under Freedom' – Chomsky's Propaganda Model in 2024


Note added 30 June 2024: Celebrating Chomsky, 7 July, 7.30pm. In June it was revealed that Noam Chomsky had had a stroke a year ago, and is unlikely to return to public life. Contrary to some reports, Chomsky (95) has not died, but he has been discharged from hospital to be cared for at home. On 7 July, we will take a break from our Propaganda Model series to have a special session to celebrate Chomsky's contributions. The scheduled talk on 'The Propaganda Model in the Age of Social Media' will now take place on 7 August. Register for the Zoom session here: http://tinyurl.com/chomskypm2024

According to Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman's Propaganda Model of the mainstream media, the ‘free press’ does not serve truth; it is actually about ‘protecting privilege from the threat of public understanding and participation’. Chomsky and Herman describe the Western propaganda system as ‘brainwashing under freedom’.

During 2024, Peace News editor Milan Rai will be holding monthly sessions online (via Zoom) examining the Chomsky-Herman Propaganda Model, a course in what Chomsky calls 'intellectual self-defence'.

Milan Rai is the author of Chomsky's Politics (Verso, 1995). He has contributed chapters to the Cambridge Companion to Chomsky (Cambridge University Press, 2005/2017) and The Propaganda Model Today: Filtering Perception and Awareness (University of Westminster Press, 2018), among other works.

Register here: http://tinyurl.com/chomskypm2024

Dates for the 'Brainwashing under Freedom' sessions:

7.30pm (UK), Sun 7 January 2024
7.30pm (UK), Wed 7 February 2024
7.30pm (UK), Thurs 7 March 2024
7.30pm (UK), Sun 7 April 2024
7.30pm (UK), Tues 7 May 2024 [CANCELLED]
7.30pm (UK), Fri 7 June 2024
7.30pm (UK), Wed 7 August 2024
7.30pm (UK), Sat 7 September 2024
7.30pm (UK), Mon 7 October 2024
7.30pm (UK), Thurs 7 November 2024
7.30pm (UK), Sat 7 December 2024