Features in issue 2568-2569

Fairphone forever!

by Ludovica Rogers

The world’s first ethically-minded smartphone

Reaching for the edge

by Emily Masters

Anti-oppression work becomes a renewed focus for UK grassroots trainers

Summer is coming!

by PN staff

Come to the Peace News Summer Camp, 31 July – 4 August 2014. Robb Johnson will be performing songs from his highly-acclaimed Gentle Men album about his grandfathers and the First World War.

Fracking amazing

by Emily Masters

Manchesters’ new front line in the struggle against extreme energy

On Anger

by Barbara Deming

This classic text from 1971 pushes nonviolent activists to respect and value rage and untangles our political and personal relationships to this emotion.


Syrian nonviolent activists today

by Emily Masters

Working towards a viable future for Syria when fighting ends

Ukraine: a nonviolent victory

by Jack Duvall, Maciej Bartkowski, Peter Ackerman

Civil resistance shredded the legitimacy of a repressive and corrupt government