Features in issue 2563

Video of Howard

by PN staff

Howard Clark and Penny Stone at the opening of the international seminar War starts in Luleå, Sweden, 2011.

Howard at the Peace News benefit in 2011

by PN staff

For a photo archive of Howard see here. An online book of condolences is available at War Resisters International

Chelsea Manning is my hero

by Mika Lorensa

Militarism, trans* liberation and our movements

If you see me in the street

by Caitlin Hayward-Tapp

Feminst poetry by Caitlin Hayward-Tapp

Taking the toys from the boys

by Ian Pritchard

How the government could create more and better jobs

The Waddington Six take the stand for law and order

by Lucca Rossi, Jessica Corbett

Heavy-hearted judge imposes minimum sentence on anti-drone activists

Camouflage Kids


How the military affects young people's lives

Squaring up

by George Lakey

Re-writing an attacker’s script — George Lakey suggests ways of getting in practice to defuse violent situations

Yarn bombing

by PN

Where will they strike next?