Issue: 2674 - 2675

September 2024


Top Stories

Peace News to close

by Milan Rai

All four PN staff have resigned in protest at bullying by Peace News Trustees

Israel wants war

by Milan Rai

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is torpedoing the Gaza ceasefire talks, again

Reflecting on 17 years as PN editor


Trudi cleared

by PN staff

Government drops appeal in 'right to acquit' case

The two Susans

by PN staff

Imprisoned campaigners hold public Hiroshima day protest

Lakenheath camp

by PN staff

Ten day protest against bringing new US nukes to Britain

JSO: longest sentences for climate action

by PN staff

Campaigners jailed for 4 - 5 years over Zoom call to discuss nonviolent disruptive protest

‘Chaos and racism’

by Netpol

Recent police operations 'frequently targeted anti-fascists while failing to contain far-right violence'


Veggies, stronger than ever!

by Katy, Rebecca Elson-Watkins

An interview with the new Veggies worker to mark the mobile activist caterer’s 40th birthday in October


by Michelle Cobbin

A sketch from the recent peace camp


The future of PN must be inclusive and democratic

by Emma Sangster, Emily Johns

Two longtime PN workers (and former PNL directors) speak out

How things fell apart

by Muzammal Hussain

There was an attempt at mediation in this conflict – it was not succesful

What will happen now?

by PN staff

Subs, staff appeal, Zoom events, 'evil fucks' email, complaints & comments

For the record

by Emily Johns

A brief recap of seventeen years of Peace News' projects

One director's resignation letter

by Eve Wedderburn

Resigning PNL Board members warns of 'existential danger the chair's behaviour poses'

‘Your opinion alone is the most important’

by PN staff

A statement by a dissident PNT director

Another PNT failure

by Milan Rai

How making a complaint about the way he’d been treated left the editor feeling even more insulted and humiliated


Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

'It’s not compulsory'

What else

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

There is still so much work to do ...

Diary: ‘Serkeftin!’

by Cath

‘Grant that what we believe in our hearts we may show forth in our lives.’

In the cracks between

by Virginia Moffatt

Our columnist recommends Alex Garland's latest 'profoundly anti-war film'

Radical Music: 'A Luta Continua'

by Penny Stone

‘Participation, that’s what’s gonna save the human race’

Cartoons etc

Telford by Tony Telford

Billboard by Anonymous

Reflecting on 17 years as PN editor

Climate camp chaos
Veterans for Gaza
PPU ad blocked
Palestine Action
No new roads!