Issue: 2535-2536

July / August 2011


“If it’s not revolutionary, it’s not our kind of nonviolence.”



I went to Egypt the other week, which was activism and a holiday combined. I went to the Cairo Conference, a post-revolution event organised by the Socialist Renewal current, with various leftist groups in Egypt.

By Albert Beale

Reagan's 1986 attack on Libya and the UK peace movement's response.

By Emily Johns








By Cedric Knight

Cedric Knight finds dissent alive and well in Stoke Newington.

By Virginia Moffatt

A pacifist reflects on the many-sided television character, Doctor Who, with spoilers aplenty (especially if you haven’t seen the recent series).

By Steve Fawdry, Hylda Sims

Summerhill is 90 this August. Through most of a century the world has been inspired or terrified by AS Neill’s philosophy of education and his championing of children’s liberty. Peace News celebrates the birthday of a great libertarian project.

By Milan Rai

Milan Rai recaps the Chomsky-Herman "Propaganda Model" of the mainstream media.

By Jessica Azulay

A ground-breaking radical online newspaper, and how it put its values into practice in the workplace.

By Brian Dominick

A ground-breaking radical online newspaper, and how it put its values into practice in the workplace.

By Ben Gregory

The rise and rise of the internationalist left in Latin America

By Michael Pooler

Peace News last visited the Slovenian long-lived social centre, Metelkova, in 1995. Michael Pooler stopped by when the PEDAL: 100 Days to Palestine cycle ride to Palestine passed through last month.

By Kathy Kelly

Kathy Kelly explains why she will be joining this summer's Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

By Faslane Peace Camp

For 29 years it has been the frontline against Britain’s nuclear weapons. We need Faslane Peace Camp!

By Mary Browning

Rainsoaked ride highlights Palestinian plight.

By Kim Bryan

Festival inspired by Victor Jara fuses Welsh and Latin American music.