Peace News is the newspaper for the UK grassroots peace and justice movement

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Editorial: Defending democracy

Corporate and financial capture of the state, not peaceful protest, is the real threat to democracy argues Milan Rai

Editorial: A khakhi election?

When it comes to not increasing military spending, a large section of the public is open to persuasion

Diary: 'My nemesis'

'We're becoming a social hub'

In the cracks between

The many worlds of Ursula le Guin

Radical Music: 'One-two-shoot'

'There are songs that beat the drums of war'

Poynted remarks

Reduce, reuse, recycle?

Sarah Guthrie: A PN retrospective

A tribute to PN's late cartoonist, Sarah Guthrie

From a Gaza encampment

Pro-Palestine activists in Scotland have taken a stand outside Holyrood

The EU gets even more bellicose

A view from the island of Ireland

Demilitarising France

An interview with a leading figure in the French peace movement

Heddwch ar Waith

Creating an ambitious new peace network

A new PN briefing for Hiroshima/Nagasaki stalls.

Andrew Bolton reflects on John Heathershaw's recently published book

Take action to support a Belorussian deserter